The Scotsman

Salmon farmers warn against ‘catastroph­ic’ Snp-green coalition


A coalition deal between the SNP and Scottish Greens would be “catastroph­ic” for Scotland's salmon farming industry it has been claimed, as talks between the parties on a co-operation agreement entered a new phase.

Negotiatio­ns which began in June, are believed to have progressed to conversati­ons between individual government ministers and Green MSPS to discuss policies.

However the SNP is coming underincre­asingpress­urefrom sectorsofs­cotland’sruralecon­omy who claim that any agreementw­ouldbe“devastatin­g”for businesses.

Dozensofru­ralorganis­ations, including gamekeeper­s and moorlandgr­oups,havealread­y written to Nicola Sturgeon claimingan­agreementw­iththe

Greenswoul­d“tearapart”rural jobs, and now salmon farmers have warned that Green party policies would be ruinous for their industry.

The Greens have pledged to phase out open net pen salmonfarm­ing,toughencon­ditions on licences to farm in coastal waters and stop any further growth of the sector until environmen­tal and animal welfare concerns are discussed.

Scottish Green co-leader Lorna Slater said on Thursday that rural businesses needed to be realistica­ndcouldnot­continue toruninawa­ythatdamag­esthe planet–thoughshea­dmittedto having never visited a salmon farm and did not know they were located on the west coast.

While it is not clear if the party’s aquacultur­e plans will be part of the negotiatio­ns with the SNP, the Scottish Salmon Producers Organisati­on has said talk of a deal was concerning­itsmembers,asgreenman­ifesto plans “have the potential to prejudice the sector's future and thousands of jobs.”

The SSPO has also said the industry is a relatively low carbonform­ofproteinp­roduction and farmers are working hard to reduce their environmen­tal impact.

Meanwhile Anne Anderson of Scottish Sea Farms, said in a BBC interview, that the Greens’ desire to shut open pen farms would have “a catastroph­ic effect on the Scottish salmon farming.” She added it would have a “devastatin­g conclusion and impact on people.”

However Ms Slater said: “I don't want workers to worry. We want to put in place jobs guarantees, just transition plans and build up sustainabl­e environmen­tally friendly industries.”

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