The Scotsman

Life’s a beach


More than 100 residents have signed a petition calling for Scotland's first school-based beach volleyball court to be relocated so they no longer have to put up with the noise.

The people are not complainin­g about general school noise. They are complainin­g about a full weekend with internatio­nal volleyball. They did not buy a house beside a volleyball court and were not consulted when it was erected. They have every right to complain.

Lynne Paul Perks of having a house near the school. It’s been there for a long time

Lynda Horton Constant noise they say? 24/7 beach volleyball is quite impressive.

Keir Liddle Probably the complainer­s are the same people who would be complainin­g if young people were hanging about with nothing to do.

Eileen Mcbride

I love the comment they make of “move it next to the cemetery” – just what you want to hear when you’re burying your loved ones, folk shouting and cheering.

Sandra Miller Will they be petitionin­g the council to stop the kids going out for break time due to the level of noise?

Brian J Smith I know people who live there and the complaint stems from an internatio­nal volleyball tournament held there a couple of weeks back. A lot more than some kids; many teams and lots of screaming and shouting from 8 am until 8pm. The residents weren't consulted or even warned in advance, which is pretty poor.

Graham Smith

Regardless of what the complaint is about, kids or a tournament, it's still ridiculous. Between the hours of 8am and 8pm? Well sorry, but that's just petty. Do they stand and complain if the buses are too loud?

Al Whyte

If it’s a sports field you would expect sports to be played on it. There’s a large sports field near me with loads of noise but I don’t complain.

Shaun Burns

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