The Scotsman

Ruth Davidson


Boris Johnson should appoint Ruth Davidson as Secretary of State for Scotland - Euan Mccolm

Excellent idea - a politician who honest and competent not too many in Scotland.

Mitch Mackinnon

Political suicide if he does it. Well in the ‘responsibl­e for ending the Union’ sense not the ‘the constituen­cy of England will never forgive him,’ sense obviously.

Andy Donnelly

She achieved nothing in the Scottish parliament apart from being the darling of the BBC. Why would it be any different working for Westminste­r?

Patricia Anderson

Be a great asset to the independen­ce cause.

Donnie Johnston

Doesn't that appointmen­t need to be an MP? Or do you think an unelected official is better than an MP?

Daz Ostler

Do you mean an unelected Tory rather than an elected one? Making decisions for Scotland without a mandate?

Thomas Duffy

Without doubt that is a brilliant suggestion

Steven Richardson

So putting an unelected member of the House of Lords in a position to "keep an eye on Scotland". That's going to pan out well isn't it? Especially when it's someone as poisonous and useless as her.

Henry Fowler

A politician who managed the amazing feat of getting a smaller share of the vote than Thatcher! Maybe she is less popular than she seems.

Andy Stephen

“You wouldn't vote for her, Scotland, but we've decided you're getting her anyway” genius.

David Tunnah She is not an elected MP or MSP, so does Scotland have to be dictated to by an unelected (sold Scotland out ) baroness? OK then.

Lynn Hamilton Don’t do it Boris. She’ll be laughed all the way to the Border!

Brian Pugh Remind us all how many elections did her leadership win?

Gordon Stafford LOL. The paper tiger who was never there for constituen­ts or for journos who asked awkward questions. That would suit the SNP as she gets shot down in flames by Nicola at question time. She is not as clever as she seems to think she is. Way above her station. Bright as a blackout.

Derek Barnes

Great idea, put someone whom the Scottish people rejected in charge. This will boost the independen­ce surge. Win-win for Scotland.

Mhari Macrae

What exactly did Barren-ness Davidson achieve as an MSP?

Angelo Greig

Ruth was utterly useless as a politician and she got lower poll results than Thatcher; ducked a ton of questions she couldn't answer; is totally all mouth and no trousers when it comes right down to it she's universall­y disliked.

Michael John-william Smith

Who do we appoint as Secretary of State for England?

Garaidh Mclausch

She's just an expert at watching which way the wind’s blowing and milking it for all its worth. Let's not forget her screaming at Boris Johnson during the Brexit run up that the Brexy people were making it up about the EU dictatorsh­ip wanting to build an Army and a federal state.

Gerald Reilly Bring it on. Best candidate the indy movement has.

Paul Mcmungall

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