The Scotsman

Salmond case ‘secrecy’ risks court action for Sturgeon

● Scottish Government warned it could be found in contempt of court


The Scottish Government is risking being found in contempt of court around the investigat­ion into the harassment claims against Alex Salmond after it failed to abide by a ruling of the Scottish Informatio­n Commission­er, it can be revealed.

In May, The Scotsman revealed Scottish Government ministers had been found to have acted unlawfully after they attempted to claim the report into the former first minister’s alleged improper behaviour did not exist.

The Scottish Conservati­ves labelled the failure to abide by the ruling as showing “total disdain” towards the commission­er and transparen­cy.

The report in question includes the results of the civil service investigat­ion into the complaints against Mr Salmond.

The former SNP leader succeeded in having the legal force of the decision report reduced following a judicial review challenge that was conceded by the Scottish Government on the grounds the report was “tainted by apparent bias”.

This cost the Scottish Government more than £500,000 in legal costs and Mr Salmond was later acquitted of criminal sexual offence charges in a high-profile trial in March last year.

In response to a Freedom of Informatio­n request from this newspaper in September 2020, Scottish Government officials initially claimed they could not release the report due to legal privilege, contempt of court, personal informatio­n, and potential prejudice to the conduct of effective public affairs.

However, following a review officials claimed the report was not

held by the government and did not exist – an argument rejected as “overly pedantic” and “overly legalistic” by the commission­er Darren Fitzhenry.

As part of the ruling, ministers were required to submit a fresh outcome of the appeal by July 12, but failed to do so.

This puts ministers at risk of being found to be in contempt of court.

The enforcemen­t section of the commission­er’s ruling states: “If the ministers fail to comply with this decision, the Commission­er has the right to certify to the Court of Session that the ministers have failed to comply.

"The court has the right to inquire into the matter and may deal with the ministers as if they had committed a contempt of court.”

A Scottish Conservati­ve spokespers­on said the failure to respond meant ministers were attempting to “brush it under the carpet”.

The spokespers­on said: “It is clear that SNP ministers are trying anything to avoid responding to this ruling. At every turn during the inquiry they failed to be transparen­t and it appears that attitude hasn’t changed one bit.

“Even when they have had weeks to come to a decision, they are still hoping that they can brush it under the carpet.

“It is an extraordin­ary situation to reach that ministers may end up being investigat­ed for acting like they had committed a contempt of court. They are showing total disdain towards the Commission­er, who has already found they acted unlawfully almost two months ago.

“It is time for them to be upfront and urgently respond to this matter.”

Nicola Sturgeon spent the majority of the first part of this year dogged by criticism around how the investigat­ion into Mr Salmond’s conduct was handled by the Scottish Government and her involvemen­t in the scandal.

In March, a Scottish Parliament inquiry into the fiasco concluded the First Minister had misled the harassment complaints committee as to whether she had agreed to intervene in the complaints process.

However, a separate inquiry by James Hamilton, the independen­t advisor on the ministeria­l code, concluded the SNP leader had not breached the code of conduct for ministers.

Following the chastening conclusion­s of the inquiry and Mr Hamilton’s report, the Scottish Government announced in June that complaints against ministers will no longer be investigat­ed by civil servants.

This followed a review published in March by Laura Dunlop QC that recommende­d such a move.

As part of the plans, the complaints procedure implemente­d in 2017 will be scrapped and an “external, independen­t procedure to oversee formal complaints about former and current ministers’ behaviour” would be set up.

A Scottish Government spokespers­on said: “We have received the commission­er’s decision and apologise to the requester for the length of time it is taking to respond.

"This case raises a number of complex and sensitive issues that we need to consider carefully before responding. We will do so as soon as possible.”

 ??  ?? 0 Nicola Sturgeon with Alex Salmond on the campaign trail in 2015
0 Nicola Sturgeon with Alex Salmond on the campaign trail in 2015

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