The Scotsman

Supply chain problems could last until Christmas, Prime Minister indicates


Boris Johnson has admitted he has known for months that the UK'S haulage industry was in trouble, as he indicated the supply chain problems besetting the economy could continue until Christmas.

On the opening day of the tory Party conference in Manchester, the Prime Minister insisted the fuel crisis is "abating" despite continuing reports of long queues for petrol in some parts of the country.

However, he acknowledg­ed the UK economy is facing "stresses and strains" as it moves away from the "broken model" which, he said, had been rejected by voters in the 2016 Brexit referendum.

But Mr Johnson insisted he will not solve the issues in the labour market - which have led to warnings of shortages on the shelves in the run-up to the festive season - by pulling "the big lever marked uncontroll­ed immigratio­n" to allow in large numbers of foreign workers.

Asked on the BBC'S The Andrew Marr Show about a warning by Chancellor Rishi Sun ak that short ages couldconti­nue to christmas, Mr Johnson said:" Rishi is invariably right in everything he says."

He then added hurriedly: "It depends how you interpret what he is saying."

In comments made later yesterday during a visit to a youth centre in east Manchester, Mr Johnson said he would keep" all options on the table" to fix the delivery difficulti­es being witnessed, but stressed industries would also have to step up.

He told broadcaste­rs the haulage sector would need to invest in "better truck stops" in order to attract a more diverse workforce, including women lorry drivers.

Pressed on whether there could be more temporary visas issued to prevent empty supermarke­t shelves, the Conservati­ve Party leader said: "In the end, those businesses, those industries, are the best solvers of their own supply chain issues - Government can't step in and fix every bit of the supply chain.

"But what we certainly will do is keep all options on the table." Back on Marr, Mr Johnson was also pressed on a warning given by the Road Haulage Associatio­n which wrote to him in June saying a major crisis was building in the industry due to the shortage of HGV drivers.

The Prime Minister said: "We have known about shortages in road haulage long before then. They have been a chronic feature of the way the road haulage industry has worked."

Mr johnson said the problem at the forecourts - triggered by reports that a shortage of tanker drivers was affecting deliveries - is "fundamenta­lly one of supply".

He said the economy faces a "period of adjustment" and the way to get more HGV drivers is for the industry to ensure they are "decently paid".

His comments come as military drivers prepare to take to the roads for the first time today in support of the operation to keeping filling stations supplied.

Around 100 trained drivers with an additional 100 support troops are due to be deployed over the coming week.

The shortages are most acute in London and the South East. In contrast, the situation in Scotland, the north of England and the Midlands is reported to be easing with supplies returning to normal.

 ?? ?? Fuel tankers from the government’s reserve tanker fleet wait at a depot in Fenstanton, England. The site is one of two where the government parks reserve fuel tankers
Fuel tankers from the government’s reserve tanker fleet wait at a depot in Fenstanton, England. The site is one of two where the government parks reserve fuel tankers

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