The Scotsman

The bully state is intent on removing the freedom to choose

Do we want our country to be a liberal, open and progressiv­e society or an authoritar­ian state, asks Brian Monteith


Musing about the last week’s events I suddenly remembered it was this week 12 years ago I published my second book called The Bully State – the end of tolerance.

Its purpose was to describe how the “Nanny State” had in fact progressed away from “Nanny knows best” to full, all-out bullying.

While it was warmly received by those already identifyin­g the trend of public health profession­als, lobbyists and political activists moving away from trying to educate us to behave in their preferred manner towards forcibly controllin­g our every move, it's fair to say it did not convert enough minds. The direction of travel of our various government­s’ did not change, if anything the breadth reach of controls grew. Since then, with the SNP always in power at Holyrood and the Conservati­ves in forming government­s at Westminste­r since 2010, we are seeing just how much more bullying a state we have.

Various new interventi­ons through taxes and arm twisting on alcohol, sugar and salt laid the ground for the over-reaction of the pandemic response that has taken the bullying to new levels.

Whatever you think of the lockdowns that started on the premise that three weeks was needed to protect the NHS the unwillingn­ess of our political masters to let go only serves to show their addiction to the powers they have voted through for themselves. Even now the Scottish Government has taken new powers for Police Scotland to gain entry to private property without a warrant.

Meanwhile inconsiste­ncies in restrictio­ns between different venues or sectors without any scientific basis continues, while the photograph­ic gallery of politician­s breaking their own rules, applying them to groups differentl­y depending on political sentiment, drinking and carousing together, often maskless, and travelling hundreds of miles with Covid, has only grown. Now the debacle of Scotland’s vaccine passport that has become the laughing stock of Britain illustrate­s how ridiculous devolved public health policy has become – bullying, but with a saltire added.

As someone double-jabbed through choice, I believe there is no need for such a passport. Its adherents have admitted publicly the passport’s purpose is to provide a barrier that will force people to become vaccinated against their personal judgement.

Even so, there was an existing app offered by the UK Government – that has since backtracke­d itself on the use of a passport – that could have been used months ago, but our Scottish Government had to do it differentl­y.

Unfortunat­ely that difference is that its own app doesn’t work properly.

Scotland is becoming defined as a bully state within the UK. Can it learn from its mistakes and pull back from this approach?

Is this what advocates of an independen­t Scotland want? Not a liberal, open and progressiv­e country, but one that feels authoritar­ian. A vision of kilts with jackboots?

Now a new public health test is approachin­g with a November conference being held at The Hague organised by the World Health Organisati­on (WHO) where yet further measures will be discussed (in secret) to roll out more restrictio­ns on nicotine. But this time the target is not so much tobacco as e-cigarettes and other forms of harm reduction which have been replacing convention­al cigarettes.

Fresh off the back of its calamitous botching of the Covid-19 pandemic, WHO has launched a worldwide offensive on e-cigarettes and vaping – or as it so creatively terms them: Electronic Nicotine Delivery Systems, or

ENDS. Defying all logic, and indeed the scientific consensus on ENDS, the WHO has come out swinging against these reduced harm products, lobbying government­s across the globe to ban the devices and conflating them with traditiona­l cigarettes.

One could almost forgive the EU for all its pearl-clutching risk aversion in drawing up countless items of legislatio­n dealing with every minute aspect of new products, but the WHO, for whom science ought to be the be all and end all, should know better.

There can be no doubt e-cigs have contribute­d to hundreds of thousands of people giving up smoking in favour of a far less harmful source of nicotine – saving countless lives – so why is this public health colossus so hellbent on an unpreceden­ted abandonmen­t of logic and reason?

Unfortunat­ely WHO’S all too cosy relationsh­ip with China, highlighte­d over the coronaviru­s pandemic is about to do further damage in public health policy. When the US, under Donald Trump, pulled its funding for the WHO, China stepped in and filled the gap, installing its own preferred candidate to the post of director general. Photo-ops with China’s president Xi Jinping and a dismissal of concerns the virus originated in a Chinese virology lab soon followed.

While the Chinese National Tobacco Corporatio­n currently sells cigarettes only to its domestic market, it is the world’s largest tobacco company in volume and number of customers by quite some margin.

It announced recently its intention to expand aggressive­ly into the internatio­nal market but that ambition would be hamstrung should the rest of the world continue trending towards reduced harm technology like e-cigarettes.

Regardless of why the WHO is acting this way, what matters is that it is – advising our government­s to leave the science behind by adopting its proposals. It will simply mean, absurdly, more deaths through more bullying and more control. That might be expected in China, it should not be expected here.

Scotland alone or the UK – whichever you favour – we have to decide what sort of country we want to be.

We need to identify what personal freedoms or independen­ce of choice and action means and stand up to the bullies with their laws – be they faceless global technocrat­s or local politician­s who revel in being the bully in the playground.

Brian Monteith is editor of Thinkscotl­ and previously served in the Scottish and European Parliament­s for the Conservati­ve and Brexit Parties respective­ly.

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 ?? ?? 2 Scotland’s vaccine passport app is seen on a smartphone screen
2 Scotland’s vaccine passport app is seen on a smartphone screen

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