The Scotsman

Taxes must be cut to counter cost of living rises


The Chancellor must act to lower taxes as households and businesses face a mounting cost of living crisis amid spiralling inflation, the head of an influentia­l Commons committee has warned.

Mel Stride, Conservati­ve chair of the Treasury Select Committee, said the cross-party group of MPS was "very concerned" by rising UK inflation, which is already at a near-decade high and set to surge further.

He told the PA news agency that Rishi Sunak needed to lower the tax burden to help Britons cope with increasing costs, with prices rising for everything from energy and fuel to food as supply chain disruption mounts.

But he said it was a" massive challenge" for the chancellor, who has left himself with little room, given the creaking public finances and vulnerabil­ity to interest rate rises.

It comes amid accusation­s that the Government is heading for a high tax, low growth economy, after upping corporate tax rates for businesses and freezing the income tax threshold to try and balance the books.

Analysts have said the UK tax burden is now at a level not seen since Clement Attlee' s labour government in the 1950s.

Mr Stride said it was crucial for the Government to "tame inflation and try and get taxes down so people are keeping more of their money and are going out spending and businesses investing."

He said: "If we can get on top of inflation and get the economy growing, we'd do a great deal to improve the spending power of households."

The Chancellor has insisted his goal is to reduce taxes by the end of the current Parliament in 2024.

 ?? ?? 0 Mel Stide:committee ‘very concerned’ by inflation
0 Mel Stide:committee ‘very concerned’ by inflation

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