The Scotsman




Foreign Secretary Liz Truss says she will not accept a deal which means goods from Britain being checked as they enter Northern Ireland. Ms Truss is now the UK'S lead negotiator with the EU in post-brexit talks.

@templar901 said: “Let's not forget that this government negotiated and signed the deal she threatens to scupper.”

@fugue123 posted: “And do what? There has to be a trade border between the UK and Europe because Brexit creates one. So if it isn't in the Irish Sea it has to be on the intra-ireland border. That means smuggling, border checks, revenue for terrorists, friction and conflict.”

@Ramscliff commented: “If ever there was an individual who has been overpromot­ed into jobs they are bound to fail at it is this one.”

@QUEENOFFAE­RIE1 remarked: “The slogan 'get Brexit done' won them the last election, which is great because they’ll be able to use it for the next three elections at this rate.”

@Chris_t_neil observed: “Those pesky Europeans have been sticking to our agreement again. Let’s distract the population with threats of breaking it whilst we muck up everything else. We all see through these tactics now – same old, same old.”

@Hiraethpol­itics suggested: “Truss has just picked out Lord Frost's notes from the recycling bin found in between his colouring-in books. Embarrassi­ng that she has no original ideas to contribute.”

@vialbaboy added: “Ms Truss is just the latest minister who believes that dischargin­g your office is just performanc­e art rather than the applicatio­n of intellect, integrity and guile.”


A no-fly zone could be placed over Windsor Castle as part of a security review, police have said. The review comes after a 19-yearold man was found with a crossbow at the castle on Christmas Day.

@Twibs1957 said: “They should have thought about the proximity of one of the world’s largest airports before building a castle in its flightpath.”

@harbottle_liger replied: “It only had one runway in William the Conqueror’s time.”

@Uk_republic posted: “Utterly ridiculous. Air traffic should take precedence over self-entitled, feudal throwbacks.”

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