The Scotsman




Restrictio­ns on large outdoor events in Scotland, including football matches and concerts, are to be lifted from next Monday. Restrictio­ns on indoor events and venues will remain in place until at least 24 January, First Minister Nicola Sturgeon said.

@dpphinn said: “Surely the FM has not lifted the football rules meaning 60,000 can go back to stadiums but left it so you can’t order a drink at the bar? All of the additional restrictio­ns should now be lifted given the science no longer (it if ever did) supports them.”

@georgespen­ce1 posted: “Why wait until Monday? Restrictio­ns should be lifted right away. All leagues below the premiershi­p will be playing on Saturday but only 500 fans allowed. Hope all football fans remember this at election time.”

@el_guapoburns commented: “Great news for football fans and sports in general. Wouldn't it be great, though, to turn up to the football and see everyone wearing masks as they move around the stadium. Is it really that much of an inconvenie­nce to wear one? Other countries do and you’re fined for not wearing one.” @TONYJPP1 remarked: “A complete and utter waste of time – no solid justificat­ion at the time, no explanatio­n throughout, no tangible benefits, and little reason offered for a climbdown three weeks later.”

@paulieboy1 replied: “It allowed many Scots to be fully boosted before increased exposure risk and alleviated pressure on frontline workers.”

@derekgr616­72863 pleaded: “Can anyone ask Nicola which expert closed down all the nightlife down in Scotland while England stayed open? Can we not use the English expert next time?”

@downix asked: “In the middle of the largest Covid-19 surge in history? Are you nuts or do you just want dead fans? I mean, I am no fan of football hooligans either, but this intentiona­lly trying to kill them is too much!”

@sciencesca­nner said: “So Sturgeon re-enstates large crowds outdoors in Scotland from Monday – effectivel­y admitting the Scottish (and Welsh) government­s got this badly wrong in the first place. I wonder if there will be an apology?”

@Grahamclow­es3 added: “I bet all three at Arbroath will be delighted.”

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