The Scotsman

Indy on agenda


Nicola Sturgeon has said she intends "to do everything that's within my power" to hold a second vote on the future of Scotland's place within the United Kingdom before the end of next year.

Drip feeding the inevitable year after year – it ain’t happening and all it is doing is costing tax payers money and losing focus on the priorities in Scotland. Time to call a referendum on the ‘ closure of Holyrood’ and getting rid of this exorbitant and failed administra­tion.

Paola Tracey Short She has no power to call any independen­ce referendum. Best to concentrat­e on how the majority of Scots are going to feed and heat themselves this year instead of this old tosh.

Tom Young She's telling everybody that we should prepare for Covid being around for ever, then the next minute she's wittering on about independen­ce. Look at the state of the country – businesses going to the wall, high unemplomen­t, Scotland has the highest drug use in the country and the NHS is struggling to cope. What planet is she on? It’s certainly not Earth – she has lost the plot.

Ronnie O’malley

Yawn, hail Queen Sturgeon. Shall we make her crown now or shall we wait?

Tia Stockdale

Simply more proof she's not even listening to the people of Scotland. Even the ‘yes’ camps say we don't want another vote just now. It's her dream, not the dream of Scotland.

Keith T ait It's the 'my power' bit that shows you how egocentric she has become. Given her record in government I don't know how any right-minded person can vote for her.

Jim Nicol

Looking to capitalise on the PM’S lack of popularity right now whilst ignoring fact he won't likely be around after next election. Playing the short- sighted card as always.

Malcolm Webb Pointless. The Scottish masses will still vote to be governed by the Tories in London! As absolutely absurd as it seems, they still think Tories from London make the best decisions for the sake of Scotland. What an absolute embarrassm­ent of a county we are. I'm a proud Scot but I'm also ashamed to be Scottish now.

Jamie Day A democratic­ally elected leader doesn’t have full

Ray Mccluskey Should be done now, never mind the end of 2023. The

Sadly not everyone has the luxury of a sense of smell. Especially these days. But it's definitely past time to stop

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