The Scotsman

Watchdog calls for earnings cap


A sleaze watchdog has suggested there should be a limit on how much an MP can earn from a second job and on how many hours they can work outside Parliament before questions are asked.

Lord Evans of Weardale, chairman of the Committee on Standards in Public Life, said he would not advocate a hard limit of "10 hours good, 10 and a half hours bad".

But he told the Commons Committee on Standards yesterday that a rough figure could tell MPS that "at least you know if you go over 10 then you're likely to be questioned pretty hard - or 20, or 40, or whatever it is - about whether this is reasonable in your circumstan­ces".

It comes with MPS embroiled in a sleaze scandal over cash being earned outside being a politician.

Lord Evans said there was a fine line because there were good reasons for MPS to have outside roles.

But he added: "Some indication as to what is reasonable... or how reasonable should be interprete­d or (is) likely to be interprete­d is helpful.

"If your job does take you away from your role, not in recess but at other times, for weeks, then I think it certainly raises questions as to whether you are putting the interests of your constituen­ts first."

He said his committee was not saying MPS should not be able to earn money outside the Commons, but he added: "There is a reasonable expectatio­n on a public servant who is paid a salary on a full-time basis, that that should be their principal activity on behalf of the people who have elected them."

Lord Evans said it would be "very convenient to say either you're not going to have any external employment or to say you can do 10 hours and you can earn £20,000", but that would be too difficult.

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