The Scotsman

Apologetic spell


Firstminis­ter Nicola Sturgeon issued a formal apology to those people, mostly women, convicted under the Witchcraft Act hundreds of years ago, saying “misogyny still runs deep” in Scottish society.

Trying to give herself some sort of stature again when all around her is complete failure. Apologisin­g to women who died centuries ago does nothing for anyone then and in the present day. Why isn't she listening to opponents of the current gender legislatio­n?

Alison Braine

Because apparently only her opinion is valid. As she said: “We should focus on the real threats to women, not the threats that, while I appreciate that some of these views are very sincerely held, in my view, are not valid.”

Gordon Devlin

Apologisin­g for something she didn't do and had no part in might make her seem all contrite but it would be more meaningful if she could find it in her to apologise for the very long list of SNP Scotgov screw ups that she is responsibl­e for.

Dave Workman

Extraordin­ary. All that is happening in the world, then this. What a rocket.

Ken Purdie

Counting her lucky stars she wasn’t born in the 1500 s! These apologists are trying to alter history.

Stephen Amos

Won't apologise for anything she has actually done.

Wullie Ferris

Too interested in virtue signal ling to get on with the day job.

Mike Tomenson I’m just so glad that Scotland runs like a well- oiled machine and she has time for these frivolitie­s!

Jenny Kosh Persecutio­ns and con victions were not only to do with mysogyny, although

this was a big part, some conviction­s would be through the personal jealousies of other women, and we must also remember that many men were also executed and burned as witches in those horrific times when these mad ideas ran wild.

Allen Artist Lee Having read up on several instances of witch h unt victims, while it doesn't help them now, it was long overdue. At least in this case many of the victims were actually victims!

Leon Conner SNP has lost the plot. Too long in power. Priorities are all wrong. Fringe elements

with too much influence. They are fast becoming unelectabl­e with stuff like this and other legislativ­e changes. And it’s all self inflicted damage, because the Tories and Labour ain’t exactly setting the heather on fire.

Michael Dowds Desperate and pitiful virtue signalling.

Paul Mccluskey You cannot apologise to dead people. They are dead, they won't know about it. Pure symbolism which serves no useful purpose, and just wastes time and money.


A splendid gesture.

Charlie Farlington

Will people stop apologisin­g for things they were not responsibl­e for, weren’t even alive for. Society has gone mad.

Fiona Mcallister Next we’ll be formally apologisin­g to crocodiles as their mates were wiped out by a meteoroid.

Alistair Brown

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