The Scotsman

Assange case demonstrat­es the hypocrisy of US and UK over war crimes Kenny Macaskill


As war wages in the Ukraine, as in every conflict, atrocities are taking place with demands for Vladimir Putin to be brought before the Internatio­nal Criminal Court (ICC) and condemnati­on of apparent Russian use of cluster bombs.

Now I’m sympatheti­c to action on both counts but there’s hypocrisy from many, especially in the USA, in those albeit legitimate calls.

After all, the USA fails to recognise the authority of the ICC. That wasn’t a perverse position taken by Donald Trump but a refusal at the very outset from Bill Clinton and it has been sustained by every US President since.

It’s apparently fine to punish war crimes by Serbians, Rwandans and even Russians, but not them. It’s the same with cluster bombs, outlawed by a treaty signed by more than 120 countries, though not by Russia or, you’ll have guessed, the USA who themselves don’t seem averse to using them.

That hypocrisy was further vividly exposed when reading The Trial of Julian Assange by Nils Melzer.

The author’s the UN Special Rapporteur on Torture, not some Putin acolyte. An academic, not a politician, he acts without fear or favour and rightly calls out all for their wrongs.

I found his book especially interestin­g as he narrated how he’d had doubts about Assange at the outset. The allegation­s of sexual crimes in Sweden had similarly caused me to be hesitant to support him, albeit I had very much welcomed what he’d exposed through Wikileaks.

It now seems so long ago but Assange brought to the world’s attention actions in Iraq that can only be classified as war crimes; but tragically only he is likely to face prosecutio­n.

Melzer’s book narrates his journey of discovery. It was revelatory that Wikileaks had disclosed communicat­ions by the Swedish secret service with US counterpar­ts indicating actions that they were doing without the knowledge or approval of their government.

The initial prosecutio­n of Assange appears perverse with the Swedish system being manipulate­d and, in

my book, abused. The case has since been abandoned.

That allowed for attempts to be made, which are still ongoing, to extradite Assange to the USA and, in that, the UK has been complicit. Again the book was revelatory in the exposure of not just court, but media manipulati­on.

As well the initial doubts cast by allegation­s of sexual crimes, I was unsympathe­tic to the sight of the man all dirty and dishevelle­d-looking being detained outside the Ecuadorian Embassy.

What I hadn’t realised was that when the left-orientated government in that South American

country fell, the UK and USA set to work. UK ministers colluded with counterpar­ts, the Ecuadorian­s denied him shaving equipment and other supplies and co-ordinated his removal, looking weird and frightenin­g to an awaiting media.

Assange is facing extraditio­n to the

USA not for perpetrati­ng any crime but instead for exposing war crimes carried out by the US military.

His case is a stitch-up and in which the UK, once again, has a despicable role as the USA’S sidekick. The hypocrisy stinks.

Kenny Macaskill is Alba Party MP for East Lothian

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