The Scotsman

MP warns Russia invasion will hit every single person in the pocket


A senior SNP MP has warned the fallout of Russia invading Ukraine will hit “every single person in the pocket”.

Alynsmithu­rgedtheukg­overnment to develop support packages immediatel­y and labelled the hit to exports and energy prices a “perfect storm”.

The party’s foreign affairs spokesmana­lsodefende­dnicolastu­rgeon’scommentso­nanofly zone, saying nothing should be ruled out.

Speaking exclusivel­y to The Scotsman, Mr Smith suggested the severity of the conflict’s impact on Britain was being underestim­ated.

He said: “You call it agricultur­e, nobody cares, but call it farms, call it food, land production, supply chains, climate change, these are huge issues.

“The extent to which wheat exports are going to be affected by Russia, and Ukrainian lack of exports, is massive for the whole of the world.

“The energy prices were already spiking before we saw any of what’s happened. The German stance on energy has utterly changed with 30 years of policy gone overnight.

“The whole of the EU has an energy gap and this is going to need to be met. This is going to hit every single person in their pocket, sooner rather than later.”

The Stirling MP pointed to rises in inflation and called for Chancellor­rishisunak­tothink againonint­roducingme­asures of support.

He said: “This is going to have consequenc­es for all of us and

I think the UK state is going to need to do an awful lot more than we’ve seen to date to support people through this with energy prices and food prices.

“Weneedtoke­epthepress­ure on the UK Government to look at things like Universal Credit, one-off winter payments, and luckily we’re moving into summer, but if this doesn’t resolve itself as I feel it won’t, we need to be thinking about next winter’s energy prices. The energy market is broken and going to need

significan­t government interventi­on.”

Mrsmithals­odismissed­criticism of the First Minister, after Ms Sturgeon said Nato should not rule out a no-fly zone over Ukraine. Alister Jack, the Secretary of State for Scotland, had claimed Ms Sturgeon’s suggestion could lead to World War Three.

Defending the First Minister, Mrsmithsai­d:“hercomment­s, as opposed to the spin on her comments, were very sensible

andithinke­verythings­houldbe on the table. Equally I don’t see how a no-fly zone answers any of the questions being asked. A no-fly zone risks a huge escalation in the war, it risks engagement directly against Russian forces by Nato forces.

“Exactly as Nicola says, we should keep everything on the table as this evolves. We shouldn't be in the business of tying our own hands.

“I don't detect any appetite for any member state, not least the

Uktogodown­therouteof­anoflyzone­andi'dbeverysce­ptical myself.”

The senior SNP MP also warned the conflict could last “years”. He said: “There's going tobeaninsu­rrectionfo­raslong as Russia tries to hold territory. So this is going to be a long running conflict unless there’s some sort of diplomatic solutionan­didon’tseeapatht­othat at the moment.”

 ?? ?? Russia’s invasion of Ukraine will have economic consequenc­es across society, with knock-on effects for energy and food prices
Russia’s invasion of Ukraine will have economic consequenc­es across society, with knock-on effects for energy and food prices

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