The Scotsman



Double standards

So it’s forbidden for the West to send armed personnel to the Ukraine or impose a no-fly zone because that would be "foreign interferen­ce”, but it is okay for Vladimir Putin to hire Middle Eastern “volunteers” to replace Russia's horrific battlefiel­d losses and as deniable assets for any pending “dirty warfare” (for example, chemical and biological weapons)?

It's long past massive worldwide


The owner of Facebook and Instagram will allow users in some countries to call for violence against Vladimir Putin and Russian soldiers. Meta says it has temporaril­y made allowances for some violent speech, like “death to the Russian invaders”, that would usually break its rules. @sharronwal­lis said: “So Facebook is allowed to be judge and jury and decide that it is acceptable for you to now have violent thoughts and actions against some people or situations but not others? How many people will question this rather than blindly follow the path that is made.”

@policy_uk posted: “‘An eye for an eye leaves the whole world blind.” @LUKE_J_A_P commented: “More like 1984 than 2022. When’s the Two Minutes Hate scheduled?” @Jackdan489­91157 remarked: “I don’t know whether to be against or in favour. Violence doesn’t cure violence.” @lewis1_charlie suggested: “Violence if it agrees with liberal ideology is good! The hypocrisy is astounding and the term ‘architects of their own downfall’ never more apt.”

@Wayneojone­s asked: “When did Facebook interventi­on to nip this insanity in the bud before events spiral long past the point of no return.

MARK BOYLE Johnstone, Renfrewshi­re become a governing leader which can decide against who violence is committed?” @Stockscoli­n added: “Silly decision. Way too many keyboard warriors as it is.”


Boris Johnson has defended the UK'S response to the refugee crisis and said an upcoming scheme will allow Britons to take Ukrainians into their homes. @stancbgree­n posted: “That is frightfull­y noble of you Prime Minister, offering people's homes to Ukrainian refugees. But you do realise a frightful number of people in the UK do not have homes, nor ever will, until your government starts building many more homes.” @Freddiesco­vell said: “This is bizarre. Ukraine is 2,000 miles away with plenty of EU countries between them and the UK.”

@trevorwals­h12 commented: “All politician­s must stand up to the plate and open their doors.this is not a Conservati­ve problem but a humanitari­an one.” @ahdidyo added: “This is not the government doing anything. It’s the government trying to make it sound as though it's doing something but shifting its responsibi­lity on to people who have the compassion they completely lack.”

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