The Scotsman

Your life in the stars

- Patrick Arundell

Aries 21 Mar - 20 Apr

You may start the week unsure of next steps, but as the Sun enters your sign come the weekend, interact with the world on your terms.

Taurus 21Apr-20may

You may go into something with your eyes closed but go ahead as long as you stand to gain. From the weekend, it’s time for quiet reflection.

Gemini 21May-20jun

How is your work/life balance? If you have big plans then the Full Moon encourages you not to overdo it. Factor in some rest time.

Cancer 21Jun-22jul

Eyeing up an opportunit­y? You may have doubts but talk to others. Their encouragem­ent might be exactly what you need.

Leo 23 Jul - 22 Aug

In demand? It certainly seems like it. Venus and Mars in Aquarius suggest you’re hot right now. Ready for new adventures? Step this way.

Virgo 23 Aug - 21 Sep

Liaising with others can yield some wonderful opportunit­ies. And with a Full Moon in your sign, one offer could stand out from the rest.

Libra 22Sep-22oct

Get organised and you’ll go far this week. Create a plan, look at the bigger picture, and consider the best way to proceed. Trust your instincts.

Scorpio 23 Oct - 21 Nov

You may be on the verge of something you’ve pondered for some time. Once the Sun eases into Aries this weekend, you’ll be ready to start.


22Nov-21dec Keen to get your message across, or make a big connection? Mars and Venus suggest you can be charming, persuasive and persistent.



A vague idea could turn into a plan with great potential. Study the details and how you feel about it. If you’re keen, you’re on the right track.

Aquarius 21 Jan - 18 Feb

The days ahead encourage you to set your priorities, regarding finances in particular. A pampering could do you the world of good.


19Feb-20mar Relationsh­ip feelings may peak this week. If you were uncertain about someone’s motives, the coming days will bring clarity.

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