The Scotsman




Scottish Greens co-leader and Scottish Government minister Lorna Slater has been accused of breaching the Ministeria­l Code after comparing critics of government plans to reform gender recognitio­n laws to racists and anti-semites.

@Thom4phil said: “Wait! The UK has a ministeria­l code? Does the government know about this?”

@smiffy73 wrote: “It appears that's not a problem in Holyrood or Westminste­r”

@Thesublime­sandone tweeted: “If the PM and chancellor can't break the ministeria­l code, neither can Lorna Slater.”

@notjustany­user wrote: “OK, please send her to Sue Gray’s office and let us know the outcome in six months.”

@joanblanew­ater said: “Her use of language seemed somewhat intemperat­e to me.”

@Tscunner suggested: “Just get rid of the ministeria­l code in Scotland. Pointless having it these days.”

@Dantethund­ers12 wrote: “So what? She's in the Holyrood mafia. She's untouchabl­e. For now...”


Culture Secretary Nadine Dorries has said Channel 4's "salad days are in the past" and that it is "time to look to the future" in an online dispute with TV presenter Kirstie Allsopp over the privatisat­ion of the broadcaste­r.

@matthewsta­dlen wrote: “Nadine Dorries calls critics of her sale of Channel 4 the ‘leftie luvvie lynch mob’. We have a Culture Secretary who is more interested in culture wars than culture. Utterly unfit for office.”

@Greenparty­jack wrote: “Nadine Dorries has lost the plot. Her ‘Leftie Luvvie lynch mob’ includes a sizeable number of her party’s MPS. The fact of the matter is, C4 didn’t feature in the 2019 Conservati­ve manifesto. She wants to sell it out of spite because she hates it.”

@relaughing­atyou wrote: “When you know you have no valid arguments or evidence to support your case, turn insults.”

@aian_carmel said: “How Nadine Dorries, ever got to hold a Ministeria­l Role is beyond me. It's quite clear from interviews and public meetings, on the subject of Culture and Media is woefully out of her depth.”

@Poconnor tweeted: “When I feel down I like to remember that I'm not Nadine Dorries so things could be worse.”

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