The Scotsman

Anti-abortion protests and misogyny law to be handled separately


Nicola Sturgeon said she was a “strong advocate” for prochoice as she said a report looking to criminalis­e misogyny, and buffer zones for antiaborti­on protests, should be considered separately.

During a campaign visit in Glasgow yesterday, the First Minister said there should be “specific provisions” in criminal justice law that recognises and tackles misogyny.

Her comments come following an outpouring of misogyny and sexual abuse claims from Westminste­r, including claims from Tory MPS that Angela Rayner “used her legs to distract” Prime Minister Boris Johnson in the Commons.

Internatio­nal trade secretary Anne-marie Trevelyan has also spoken on how she was “pinned up against a wall” by a male MP and that she had been subjected to “wandering hands” by “half a dozen” men in Westminste­r.

This week, Helena Kennedy QC told the Scottish Parliament there was a “current strong sense” misogyny must be tackled as she brought forward her Misogyny Report, looking to make it a criminal offence.

The report, commission­ed by the Scottish Government, was welcomed by the First Minister on its publicatio­n date on Internatio­nal Women’s Day in March.

Ms Sturgeon told The Scotsman: “We have in principle accepted the recommenda­tions and the justice secretary in recent days has said we will move to consult on draft legislatio­n giving effect to those proposals.”

But asked if anti-abortion protests, which mainly affect women, should be criminalis­ed, she said: “We are looking separately at whether we can and should have a change in the law to create buffer zones at hospitals where women go for abortions. There are some complex legal issues involved.”

This month more than 100 anti-abortion activists protested outside the Queen Elizabeth Hospital in Glasgow, which led to 76 doctors signing an open letter to women’s health minister Maree Todd backing the implementa­tion of 150m anti-abortion protest buffer zones.

The campaign group Back Off Scotland, which is calling for buffer zones, is urging the Scottish Government to introduce emergency legislatio­n around the issue as they say these protests “threaten and traumatise” women’s access to healthcare.

Ms Sturgeon said the right to protest had to be respected. But she said: “I think people protesting outside a hospital against abortion is wrong. I think there’s a strong case for buffer zones, but I can’t magic away the legal complexiti­es.”

Any laws which are passed need to be compliant with other areas such as the European Convention of Human Rights Act, according to the First Minister.

“I would like to see us move forward, but it’s about how we do that in a way which is capable of standing up to any challenges,” she said.

It is understood Green MSP Gillian Mackay will publish a finalised draft of her Member’s Bill urging for the implementa­tion of buffer zones next month. However, the implementa­tion of such areas is not expected until next year.

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