The Scotsman

Murder fears over man last seen in 2002


A fresh appeal has been issued over a Glasgow man who vanished in 2002 amid his family’s fears that he was murdered.

Joseph Connelly, who would now be 70, was last seen in April 2002 and has not been in touch with his family since then.

He attended a family wedding in Letterkenn­y in the Republic of Ireland on Saturday, 6 April, 2002, where he was described as unusually subdued.

After returning to Glasgow with his brother, he went to his home in the city’s Govanhill but has not been seen since. Mr Connelly was known to travel extensivel­y and it was not unusual for him to be out of contact with his family for long spells, Police Scotland said.

However, he would also contact family members around landmark dates such as birthdays and Christmas.

His sister, who has refused to have him legally declared dead, believes he may have been murdered. Caroline Armour said: “We were told he may have been murdered – the police never found any answers to prove if this was true but we think it is possible.

“I don’t know what my brother was caught up in. At this point that isn’t what is important. I just want to know what happened. My family needs closure.

“We haven't declared him dead and I won’t do it until I know for sure, otherwise it would feel like we gave up on him.”

She added: “Not knowing where Joseph is or what happened to him is torment.”

Detective Sergeant Ally Donaldson said: “Joseph was 50 when last seen and would recently have turned 70 years old. His family continue to look for informatio­n about where he is or what may have

happened to him to give them closure.

“Our inquiries continue and we are reviewing material available from previous inquiries carried out.

“While we do this, I would

urge anyone who knew Joseph or believes they may have informatio­n to get in touch.

“Even if what you know seems trivial or insignific­ant, please get in touch with us as every piece of informatio­n could help us piece together what happened to Joseph and where he may be.” Informatio­n can be passed to police by calling 101.

 ?? ?? Joseph Connelly was 50 when he vanished in 2002
Joseph Connelly was 50 when he vanished in 2002

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