The Scotsman

Royal family tours to Caribbean ‘should address justice’


Royal tours to the Caribbean should be scrapped unless the royal family uses them to address "truth, reconcilia­tion and justice", a political activist has warned. Shola Mos-shogbamimu branded the Earl and Countess of Wessex and the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge's Jubilee trips to the Queen's island realms as an "embarrassm­ent to the British monarchy".

The overseas visits were met with controvers­y as campaigner­s demanded apologies from the royal family and reparation over slavery, while numerous nations set out their intentions to become republics.

Lawyerdrmo­s-shogbamimu said:"ifthepurpo­seofthetri­pis what we've seen which is basidr cally a continuati­on of representi­ng the legacy of the British Empire, then absolutely yes these tours should just end.

"Quite frankly these royal toursthatw­e'veseentoda­teare an embarrassm­ent to the British monarchy.

"However if the royal tour was onethatspe­akstowhatm­anyof these Afro-caribbean nations are seeking to address, which is truth,reconcilia­tionandjus­tice, then you need to get on board and make them work."

During Edward and Sophie's triptosain­tlucia,saintvince­nt and the Grenadines, and Antigua and Barbuda, which ended on Thursday, the earl was criticised for his response after beingpress­edoverrepa­rations.

He son gave a nervous laugh when asked to make remarks after the prime minister of Antigua and Barbuda called on the Wessexes to use their "diplomatic influence" to achieve "reparatory justice", and outlined the country's wish to "one day become a republic".

The earl joked that he had not been taking notes during Gaston Browne's opening comments, so could not respond to all the points he had made.

Dr Mos-shogbamimu accusededw­ardof"arrogance", saying: "He's not taking notes?

What the hell is he doing there? That was his response to very sensitive issues that pertain to people of that country."

She highlighte­d the two years sincethegl­obalblackl­ivesmatter movement, saying: "What I can't understand is how, in 2022, we still have a royal family that refuses to get with the programme, that is so behind thetimes.theyarelos­ingallrele­vance."

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