The Scotsman

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A mind to change

Scottish Conservati­ves leader Douglas Ross said he believes Boris Johnson is “fit for office” – despite calling for his resignatio­n as Prime Minister in January.


Ian Munro Believe it or not we are not at war in Ukraine and Johnson and his not-fit-for-purpose cronies have profited from Covid and are now getting even richer from the lie that is Brexit. I doubt Johnson remembers who Douglas Ross is let alone cares what he thinks… the sooner they all go, the better.

Lance Dunlop What a clown. Remember, tell Angus Robertson we are not at war as he's blaming that for the Census not being completed.

Frank Mckenna Ross is not fit to run a bath, just like Sturgeon.

Alain Traynor

Sorry, Dougie, you’re wrong, and this from a lifelong Conservati­ve. Boris isn’t fit for office, but then neither is Nicola.

Elizabeth Robertson Yes, remove them both and let’s stop this god forsaken Punch and Judy between Holyrood and Westminste­r. Or am I being naive in expecting politician­s to act in our interests and not theirs?

Calum The Mackenzie It's beginning to look that way isn't it? So much for the concept of public service.

Anne Keown Love how people can't handle Douglas Ross having an opinion which he has chosen to adjust under the circumstan­ces he has clearly and succinctly explained for it. Makes a change from ‘I never do wrong ’ Nicola.

No2communi­sm Douglas Ross is a terrible embarrassm­ent, to himself and his party. He is an ‘any way the wind blows’ politician, seemingly without core values , other than believing that Scotland is best run from England by it s Tories.

UN Censored Things that are certain. The Tory Party are able to vote against their Leader, t he SNP are not. The Tory Party can change their Leader, the SNP will not. The Tory Party have a majority Government, the SNP are a minority party in a d evolved assembly. The SNP are run by an FM and her husband, the SNP CEO.

Grumpy Mr Ross should really learn to stop digging . He is just making himself look more and more foolish.

Mike Hannah

Ross was too quick to condemn Boris at the start of the Party gate nonsense. He should have, like the Scottish Secretary, said he would wait till the inquiries into the affair had determined the facts. But no, he stuck the boot in, in, I suspect, an attempt to gain favour with w hoever replaced Boris and the hope of a place at the table in No 10. Since then he has been back peddling and losing credibilit­y in doing so.

City Loon

Learning chance

Nicola Sturgeon needs to be willing to learn from her mistakes over Covid, said our editorial.

Every government made mistakes in their handling of Covid, so let’s blame Nicola, eh?

Gerry Pettit Sturgeon took on the responsibi­lity for it, therefore it's up to her to take responsibi­lity for anything that went wrong or could have been done better. The chances of that happening are infinitesi­mal. In all probabilit­y, she will be blaming Westminste­r and claiming that had Scotland been independen­t, everything would have gone perfectly. That is what the problem is. Sturgeon and her poisonous party are more than happy to do things their way, but when things go wrong, which they do... often, they always seek to blame someone else.

Alastair Browne Mistake? M ammy of Scotland? P erish the thought!

Howard Merritt Sturgeon made the point that she would handle C ovid her way. Her way was wrong and she should be held accountabl­e.

Christine Mclevy

Yes, it was a new disease for the world. However, other government­s are recognisin­g their mistakes in order to prevent them happening again. Sturgeon seems to be looking for excuses. That is not to the long term benefit of Scotland. The longer she stays in power the more deceitful and ‘sleekit’ Sturgeon becomes.

Peter Lewis

That will never happen. No one in the SNP ever makes mistakes. As we all know.

Ken Purdie Because they ‘don't recall’ and "can't remember" making any.

Lynn Hynds

She didn't make mistakes, she wilfully ignored her responsibi­lities and hoped people would blame Westm inster and sing her praises.

Alain Traynor

 ?? ?? 0 ‘This great spotted woodpecker is a regular visitor to my garden,’ writes Walter Baxter
0 ‘This great spotted woodpecker is a regular visitor to my garden,’ writes Walter Baxter

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