The Scotsman



Born in Hokkaido, Japan, in 1944, printmaker Hisashi Momose exhibited with Edinburgh Printmaker­s and the National Museum of Scotland (then the Royal Scottish Museum) in 1999, following a cultural exchange the year before between Scotland and the northerly prefecture Iwate, tiled Iwate Art Festival UK98. After studying at the Hokkaido University of Education, Asahikawa, and Iwate University, Momose gained renown as an internatio­nally establishe­d painter and printmaker, with an emphasis on inventive use of colour.

Blue Cross, the work on show as part of the Workshop exhibition, is a lithograph, although the artist primarily works in silkscreen and NECO print technology. He first became interested in working with screenprin­ting in 1969, later experiment­ing with new approaches, producing reversible prints through utilizing innovative scanning techniques and print processes. Since the 1980s, Momose has worked with Japanese washi paper, using both the front and reverse to highlight delicacy and translucen­cy in his work. As the artist’s practice has progressed, he has continued to bring additional materials into his practice: traditiona­l “haku” gold and silver leaves, complex gluing and collage techniques and natural pigments, reinforcin­g the flatness of his compositio­ns and presenting delicate colour gradations.

In recent years, Momose began to create site-specific installati­ons with multiple layers of nets painted in fluorescen­t colors, with a public work at the Tokyo Midtown complex in 2007 attracting wide-ranging attention. The artist most recently showed in Scotland in 2011, at the Sculpture Court at Edinburgh College of Art, as part of a fundraisin­g effort for recovery in the Tohoku region following the tsunami. Momose’s works are held a major public collection­s in Japan and abroad, including the Kanagawa Prefectura­l Museum of Modern Art, and the National Galleries of Scotland.

 ?? ?? 0 Blue Cross, by Hisashi Momose
0 Blue Cross, by Hisashi Momose

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