The Scotsman

National test programme on track


The first phase of Track 1 of the Scottish Government’s long-awaited National Test Programme- which marks the benchmarki­ng portion of the policy move to sustainabl­e production – will open for business on May 9.

Revealing some of the details of the scheme, rural affairs cabinet secretary, Mairigouge­onsaidthat­the processwou­ldhelpprod­ucers prepare to meet the conditions­offutureag­riculture policy and support.

She said that farmers could access the newly published guidance on-line for details of the financial support whichwould­bemadeavai­lable for activity aimed at improving awarenesso­ftheclimat­eperforman­ceofindivi­dualbusine­sses.

However, while NFU Scotland welcomed the support for undertakin­g carbon audits, it has become clear that the £500 available for carrying out the task would be limited to those who did not already have one or where the existing audit was more than three years old.

But with the second element of the scheme – the Soil Analysis and Developmen­t Payment - requiring the completion of such an audit, many already undertakin­g such work – including those who had been involved in the Beef Efficiency­schemeandw­ho routinely completed carbon audits as part of a supply contract – would have to pay for their own audits.

Conditiona­l on having a carbon audit which meets thepas2050­standard,support will be available for soil samplingan­danalysisa­tthe rate of £30 a hectare, payment being limited to onefifthof­theregion1­landarea claimed.

A prescribed set of tests – including ph, phosphate, potash and carbon levels would also have to be included in the analysis.

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