The Scotsman

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Fit and well?

Health secretary Humza Yousaf has refused to admit to “historic failures” on NHS staffing pinpointed by an Audit Scotland report before the Covid pandemic.

That’s the SNP play book. Deny deny deny.

Fiona Mcallister

Staffing levels are not what they were ten years ago, never mind pre-pandemic.

Paul Mcglashan

The standard SNP line about the NHS is “we've more staff than ever before", ignoring an up to 15% vacancy rate and being hundreds of GPS and nurses short. With no workforce strategy let alone a plan. With a desire to run the NHS at 110% capacity.

Jerome Morrow

15 years in power but everything that has gone wrong happened before that. Yousuf just typifies what passes for governance in devolved Scotland. To say we are well and truly [up the creek] would be an understate­ment. Meanwhile Elsie Mcselfie once again sets out on an ‘Indy road trip’ to America.

Hot topic

Old Man of Hoy

There is a 50-50 chance that temperatur­es will temporaril­y exceed the key 1.5C threshold for global warming in the next five years, a Met Office study has warned.

Earth’s tectonic plates move about all the time, shifting sea volumes and changing temperatur­es. Plastic pollution is more of a concern.

Diane Davidsoon If this is global warming, it’s sure taking its time to get warm.

George Beattie You’d think these climate activists would take heed of their own historical prediction­s. They’re always wrong. So what makes them think they have a 50/50 shot at successful prediction now?!

John Smith

Every ten years, ‘we've ten years to save the planet’!

Adam Wilkinson

The claims never materialis­e.

Paul Finnon

Yes to nukes

The majority of people in Scotland want to retain nuclear weapons, a new poll has said.

Wow, what a change! Oh no, we have enemies, let's keep them after moaning about them for decades! I maintain they are a great deterrent!

Raymond Wilson

Well, given the current climate that’s understand­able, a nuclear deterrent is a necessity in modern warfare.

David Mackay

Do you seriously think so?

Sal Paradise

It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to work out that Ukraine got rid of its nuclear weapons and now looked what’s happened.

Helen Ratcliffe

If you agree to disarm you run the risk of invasion by countries that don't disarm.

Steve Pat Riot

There was a debate on russian TV last week about how to dispose of the UK. Some wanted to flood us with a radioactiv­e tsunami but most popular was a good old incinerati­on. They were quite enthusiast­ic about the possibilit­ies until it was pointed out that although we don’t have thousands of nukes we have enough to retaliate with.

Alan Elden Is this new poll lies or are people mad to support such weapons of mass destructio­n. What has humanity come to between this and the cause of climate change?

Mairi Mackinnon Did some people discover reality?

Karl Hannant OK, but let's put them in England for a while and we'll see how they like having nukes we hire from the USA next door, it's madness having a nuclear arsenal next door from the largest city in Scotland.

Brian Mccann I’ve not spoken to a single person that wants them.

I think someone is telling porkies, and it’s not me.

Kenny Mcfall

These last months have shown that nuclear weapons are totally useless.

Alan Mitchell

We have to retain our nuclear weapons, especially with Putin threating to nuke us.

Duncan Walker

The majority of Scots see that in an increasing­ly dangerous world you don’t ditch your insurance policy.

Mike Hannah

Oh dear, that won’t please Bute House.

Luckie Muckleback­it

Hard to imagine Sturgeon getting a great reception in the USA with her plans to get rid of Trident.

Alexander Mcallister

Our radical student level administra­tion Sturgeon, Harvie and Greer have just been told by the public to go and get a proper job and stop playing their Mickey Mouse politics in Holyrood.

 ?? ?? 0 Graeme Stark contribute­s this photograph of one of the blue tits that are nest building in his garden nest box this year
0 Graeme Stark contribute­s this photograph of one of the blue tits that are nest building in his garden nest box this year

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