The Scotsman

Hunting power


Former Conservati­ve F oreign Secretary Jeremy Hunt has warned that the Tories have ‘a big mountain to climb’ to win another term as he refused to rule out a contest for the top job before the 2024 election.

If he gets in say hello European Union . He is a true R emainer.

Gwendoline Barlow Does this mean that the SNP and their followers will have to change their grievance scripts to get someone else to blame?

Charlie Duncan

Oh my goad – what PM will be foisted upon the Scottish people next by the English electorate in this union of unequal representa­tion?

Buchanan George

It was always likely [Boris Johnson] was going to go before the next election with the excuse of having a young family to focus on. H e'll go to the Lords. PS b e careful what you wish for – remember Mrs Thatcher's departure… 5 more years of Tory rule! And who will the new First Minister blame?

Callum Macleod The coming Tory civil war is going to be a joy to behold.

David W Wood The man shows his face once again. Sad loser the last time around. A Remainer

Trevor Mahoney The Nat s will be planning a hate campaign against him now.

Gavin Beattie Jeremy would make an excellent PM.

Auld Fella Good. He'll not stand for any nonsense from Sturgeon.

David Thomson To hell with the colonials governing themselves.

U.N. Censored Scotland's not, and never has been a 'colony'. Do you even know what a colony is? And Nicola will be quite happy to be governed by Brussels! (BTW, as the EU has said it could take ‘decades’ for Ukraine to join the EU, how long do you think it would take Scotland?). Hunt = Theresa May without the charisma!

Carolyn Devine

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