The Scotsman

This Firebird burns bright


SCO, Maxim Emelyanych­ev and Alina Ibragimova

Usher Hall, Edinburgh


It felt a bit of a head-scratcher. Okay, The Firebird might not exactly be Mahler’s Eighth, but when he wrote it Stravinsky was certainly intending to show off his creative prowess across a hefty orchestra. Yet on this occasion, its sonic opulence and power was going to be conveyed by... the pint-sized forces of the Scottish Chamber Orchestra?

It was an audacious, eyebrow-raisingway­forefferve­scentcondu­ctormaxime­melyanyche­v to end the SCO’S current season. And this Firebird was a revelation. Maybe not as rich and lush as when played by a bigger band, but what it lacked in sheen and weight, it more than made up for with

precision, clarity and light. It feltlikeem­elyanychev­andthe SCO players were stripping layers of veneer off the music to reveal its bright, chiselled essence.

Emelyanych­ev was surprising­ly four-square in the ballet’s atmospheri­c opening, but soon relaxed into a flowing,fluidaccou­nt,andonethat shone a spotlight on details thatofteng­ounremarke­d.his “Infernal Dance” made more thanafewli­stenersint­heusher Hall jump in their seats, but it snarled with a brassy sense of danger and threat, and the pealing bells of his sonorous conclusion were nimble and bright, heralding a new dawn. Indeed, it was a performanc­e that reminded you just what a light-infused, glittering creation The Firebird actually is.

Just as bright and brilliant was Alina Ibragimova’s breathtaki­ngly athletic account of Prokofiev’s First Violin Concerto. Ibragimova was a commanding but unassuming presence, with a remarkable agility and flexibilit­y of sound that was more than a match for Prokofiev’s restless flickering between styles, from the lyrical to the grotesque. Emelyanych­ev opened with a craggy, deeply felt and joyfully noisy performanc­eofbeethov­en’sleonore Overture No. 3, which set the concert’s tone of high drama right from its brusque opening gesture.

 ?? ?? Maxim Emelyanych­ev
Maxim Emelyanych­ev

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