The Scotsman

Your life in the stars

- Patrick Arundell

Aries 21 Mar - 20 Apr

If ever a week was about to change, this is the one. The Lunar Eclipse in Scorpio can bring buried issues to the surface.

Taurus 21 Apr - 20 May

Need to take a leap of faith? Your confidence in yourself seems to be growing. Nothing can stop you once you put your mind to it.

Gemini 21 May - 20 Jun

You may be in a job that is holding you back, or have a tedious routine. If so, this week’s Lunar Eclipse could be your saving grace.

Cancer 21 Jun - 22 Jul

Something is bursting to get out into the open, and it could be a talent, your feelings for someone or the opportunit­y to start a business.

Leo 23 Jul - 22 Aug

Is a secret about to emerge? The Lunar Eclipse looks to be powerful, and could bring something out into the open.

Virgo 23 Aug - 21 Sep

If plans and opportunit­ies have been delayed or muddled, things could now get moving. It means you can too.

Libra 22 Sep - 22 Oct

This week, you’ll discover a lot about how you use time and money, and where you might tend to fritter it away too easily.

Scorpio 23 Oct - 21 Nov

You may find it hard to control your emotions as a Lunar Eclipse could coincide with displays of feeling, whether tears or frustratio­n.

Sagittariu­s 22 Nov - 21 Dec

An event could help you see the end of a difficult situation. What can touch you is how kind and supportive others are.

Capricorn 22 Dec - 20 Jan

It’s all change where your friends are concerned. If you’ve felt unhappy, then you may be ready to jettison negative associatio­ns.

Aquarius 21 Jan - 18 Feb

This could be a big week, as the Lunar Eclipse can cause you to reflect on your path through life, and how happy you are with what you’re doing.

Pisces 19 Feb - 20 Mar

As the Sun glides into your home zone, it invites you to make more time to recharge and nurture yourself. Reset your priorities.

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