The Scotsman

One in 20 Ukrainian refugees who came to UK now living in Scotland


One in 20 refugees who have come to the UK after fleeing the war in Ukraine are living in Scotland, new figures from the Office for National Statistics (ONS) have found.

The ONS said the vast majority of refugees who had arrived in Britain before the survey was conducted at the end of April were female, while 44 per cent were 30 to 49 years old.

The report found 5 per cent of those recently arrived were now living in Scotland, with the vast majority in England and almost a third having settled in London.

A third of respondent­s said they could speak a fair amount of or fluent English. However, nearly two thirds

ofresponde­ntssaidthe­irpreferre­d language is Ukrainian when accessing informatio­n in the UK. The UK Government has been criticised for forms used for visa applicatio­ns under the home for Ukraine scheme being available only in English.

Nearly 70 per cent of Ukrainians in the UK aged 65 years or younger reported being very likely or likely to look for work in the next month. Nearly three-quarters of respondent­s are educated to degree level or above.

A quarter reported they had enough money to support themselves and their dependants for the next three months.

Nearly half of respondent­s reported living with at least one dependent child, with 17 per cent living with one or more dependent adults. Of those with at least one dependent child, 48 per cent have at least one child requiring a primary school education service, while 38 per cent have at least one child requiring a secondary school education.

 ?? ?? 0 One in 20 Ukrainians who came to the UK are in Scotland
0 One in 20 Ukrainians who came to the UK are in Scotland

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