The Scotsman

Study finds that parents are unaware of the guidance on when and how often their teenagers should drink alcohol


Many parents are unaware of official guidance on when their teens should have their first alcoholic drink, according to a new report.

The study, for Community Alcohol Partnershi­ps (CAP), found that 58 per cent of all adults were unaware of published guidance from the UK'S chief medical officers on when and where children should consume alcohol.

First published in 2009, the guidance tells parents and carers that "an alcohol-free childhood is the healthiest and best option" up to the age of 18.

However, it said that if children do drink alcohol, it should not be until at least they are 15, while those who drink between the ages of 15 and 17 should only do so in a supervised environmen­t.

It added: "Parents and young people should be aware that drinking, even at age 15 or older, can be hazardous to health and that not drinking is the healthiest option for young people.

"If 15 to 17-year-olds do consume alcohol, they should do so infrequent­ly and certainly on no more than one day a week.

"Young people aged 15 to 17 years should never exceed recommende­d adult daily limits and, on days when they drink, consumptio­n should usually be below such levels."

CAP, which receives funding from alcohol retailers and alcohol producers, aims to bring together retailers and licensees, trading standards, police, health services, education providers and other local stakeholde­rs.

It wants to tackle underage drinking and associated antisocial behaviour.

The new cap report on more than 2,000 UK adults found 58 per cent were unaware of the guidance and only 14 per cent knew that an alcohol-free childhood is regarded as the healthiest and best option.

Only 13 per cent were aware that children should not drink before the age of 15, while only 9 per cent knew older teens should be supervised.

Separate research carried out last year found that around half of parents (53%) have allowed or would allow their children to have an alcoholic drink before they are 18.

Kate Winstanley, director of CAP, said: "Too few parents understand that Government advice is that the children should have a mainly alcoholfre­e childhood.”

 ?? ?? 0 Children should not drink before the age of 15
0 Children should not drink before the age of 15

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