The Scotsman

Off the rails


Scotrail is preparing to announce a raft of cuts to its services amid a fresh threat of strike action after its biggest union moved to reject the company's latest pay offer.

We will not be reducing prices but we will be reducing services. A strike is coming down the track.

Bernard Battles

Well they’ve got no sympathy from me. They’re earning a serious amount of money, over 48K per annum for a qualified driver, far more than qualified teachers, nurses, junior doctors, police constables etc. How many low-paid workers finished a Sunday shift yesterday, only to find themselves stranded?

Jennifer Tainsh

People on £48k are not the problem. All the other jobs you mentioned are public sector too, grossly underfunde­d and undervalue­d for decades now. The solution is not to take issue with people earning £48k, which is actually not a particular­ly large sum. The solution is to address the extreme greed at the top of the scale which influences government policy and results in the underfundi­ng to begin with.

Mike Smith

I think a lot of people would agree that £48k is a huge amount of money I work two jobs and am only taking home £14.5 k roughly.

Paula Parkins

Back in public hands, only one person to be held accountabl­e, Nicola.

Scott Duncan

The Scottish Government can’t make money appear that’s not there, they need full fiscal powers to make big changes and the only way that can be achieved is Scotland being independen­t, instead of how we are just now, another country controllin­g our finances.

Sheila Duff

They most certainly do make money appear, never been a problem in the past if it is for vote-catching freebies, or ridiculous waste on ferries, smelters and airports. Offices in foreign countries or grandstand­ing trips abroad.

Charlie Brown

This company is beyond saving now. Its got so bad it'll never be a good service.

Alexander Mclaren

Just wait an see how they somehow manage to turn it round and blame “Wastemonst­er”.

Paul J Mcnulty

So they reduce the services will they reduce fares? We all know the answer to that.

Alison Burns

No, but if the well-paid drivers get a pay rise and fares go up, who you going to blame for that?

Frank Mckie

Time the Scottish Government got it sorted.

Jim Strachan

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