The Scotsman

Arthur Thompson


Work harder!

People struggling during the cost-of-living crisis should consider taking on more hours at work or moving to a better-paid job, Safeguardi­ng Minister Rachel Maclean said.

Elected MP gives advice because her income is higher than most and with all her expenses paid for she can so her 40-hour week and still be unaffected! Typical MP, not in touch with hard- working electorate­s! Remember who said what at the next election!

Raymond Wilson

Yes, work more to enable the wealth hoarding at the top and more corporate greed.

Leigh Kinnaird

What planet is she living on? Oh yes, Planet Brexit!

Bob Waller

Let's all be MPS where everything is free.

Hugh Mitchell

Oh, let’s all get better paid jobs or work till we have no time for ourselves our friends or our family. For life is all work… and better- paid jobs are in reach for everyone.

Jay Conroy

When my kids where young I worked more hours to benefit my family and still had plenty of spare time but never once did I consider myself, but it’ s a fact of life you don't get things on a plate and need to work hard and don't be jealous of rich people.

I think all politician­s should go on minimum wage.

Sharon Rankin

Totally patronisin­g person has no idea of real life – take away your massive income and try to survive on what ordinary people's income!

Rona Hunter

Some of these MPS could really do with engaging brain before mouth. Might be a tall order, though.

John Hewit

All these ministers who are actually meant to serve us as we pay their wages should be sacked for comments exactly like these. How and why do they get elected or employed?

Scott Shaw

How about putting wages up to a better level?

Andrew Roscoe

What better paid jobs? There literally aren't any available, and even if there were the cost of living would then go up... again.

Fraser Thorburn

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