The Scotsman

Keep Justice blind


I was horrified by the view expressed by Iain Livingston­e, the Chief Constable of Police Scotland, to the Sheku Bayoh inquiry. His QC stated on his behalf: “Nor is it enough simply to be non-racist. Police Scotland needs to be anti-racist.”

A non-racist police force is one that treats people equally under the law regardless of race or ethnicity. Such a force is entirely in keeping with our legal traditions, Western philosophy and our Judeo-chris-earlier heritage. An anti-racist police force is something quite different.

Anti-racism divides people in to two classes: oppressors and the oppressed according to their ethnicity, and then treats people differentl­y according to which class they are assigned to.

It was anti-racism which led to social workers, politician­s and policemen turning a blind eye over several decades to the racist grooming gangs operating in many British towns and cities. In 2014, the Jay report concluded that there had been an estimated 1,400 child victims of the grooming gangs over 17 years in the town of Rotherham alone.

It is anti-racism which makes much of the wicked murder of Stephen Lawrence in 1993, but completely ignores the torture murder of Kriss Donald in 2004, because it goes against the narrative of whites as oppressors and other ethnicitie­s as the oppressed.

The bigoted and divisive Marxist dogma of anti-racism should have no place in our criminal justice system nor in our society. Instead, we should remember that Justice is blind and treat people equally.

OTTO INGLIS Crossgates, Fife

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