The Scotsman




The possibilit­y of more rises in food prices is a “major, major worry” for the UK and other countries, Bank of England governor Andrew Bailey warned.

@Peterstefa­novi2 tweeted: “As MPS get £2,200 a year pay rise Bank of England governor Andrew Bailey repeats his call for workers to ‘reflect carefully’ about taking a pay rise amid concerns it could fuel inflation.”

@owen_whiteley replied: “Bailey, of course, is the man who apparently can't remember that he is paid £575,000 per annum.”

@johnrussel­l40 wrote: “You can imagine it can't you? Nurses, teachers, bus drivers, call centre workers, etc, ‘Hmm, I wonder whether I should accept this pay rise? It might fuel inflation’.”

@drkimsheph­erd wrote: “Who needs a pay rise when we can eat all day for 30p? #sarcasm."

@Paulbasnet­t wrote: “I'm sure CEOS and bankers will be stampeding to not have pay rises or bonuses.”

@one4tweet2­022 said: “OK, ‘reflected carefully’ and I've decided I want more, not less!”

@salmonstew wrote:

“By ‘workers’ they mean everyone else but not them.”


Blackpool footballer Jake Daniels, 17, has become the only openly gay male profession­al footballer in Britain for 30 years. He is the first profession­al player in British men's football to come out publicly since the late Justin Fashanu.

@jaquioatle­y wrote: “It can’t help that Justin Fashanu has been the precedent for so long. Times have changed so much [since] that tragic situation.”

@Jerryhicks­unite tweeted: “Massive respect & solidarity. Thank you Jake Daniels."

@steven5573 asked: “Why is this news? This day and age, people shouldn't have to ‘come out’. You are what you are. Not a news story.”

@beaglebugl­e replied: “The PM called gay men ‘tanktopped bum boys’. That’s why it’s still difficult.”

@smokinjoe8­487 added: “This should by now be ordinary but it’s not so it’s... inspiring.”

@minimalsmi­th said: “Absolute top lad. There will be bigots but I hope the love outweighs the hate.”

@SAMWISELGB­T wrote: “Just when you thought it would never happen, here we are. This will do so much good and hopefully inspire other players to follow.”

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