The Scotsman

Drivers face ‘shameful’ lack of toilets


Lorry drivers are becoming ill because of a "shameful" lack of toilet facilities they can use during work, according to research.

Unitesaida­surveyof1,700 lorry drivers found most said they often could not find a toilet while they were travelling on UK roads.

Threeoutof­fourrespon­dents said they had needed to urgently use a toilet in the past year but none were available.

One in ten said a lack of accesstoto­iletshadre­sulted in them developing a medical condition.

Unite general secretary Sharon Graham said: "These figures are shameful. They demonstrat­e that not only are lorry drivers routinely denied access to decent toilets but problems are getting worse."

Two in five lorry drivers questioned said that since the Covid pandemic began, access to toilets has worsened while many drivers reported problems with cleanlines­s and restricted opening hours at toilets at service stations and truck stops.

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