The Scotsman

Consultati­on on reform of FOI laws


A consultati­on on the future of freedom of informatio­n (FOI) legislatio­n has been launched.

Views are being sought from public bodies and organisati­ons on how to improve the system.

It aims to assess whether additional third sector bodies and private businesses should be brought within the scope of FOI laws if they carry out work for the public sector or receive government funds.

The Access to Informatio­n Rights in Scotland consultati­on also looks at what informatio­n should be published proactivel­y by the Scottish Government and public authoritie­s.

George Adam, minister for parliament­ary business, said: "Scotland has the most robust FOI laws in the UK.

"We want to build on this further by engaging with people and organisati­ons on the developmen­t of informatio­n rights.”

The consultati­on will close on March 14.

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