The Scotsman

Serious analysis


Aside from having a nice little stroll down memory lane and padding out his column with references to I’m A Celebrity and 80s pop culture what was the point of John Mcclellan’s column about Nicola Sturgeon's use of the term “democracy deniers” (Scotsman, 29 November)?

The usual nod to the slur du jour, anti-semitism, was made in reference to Nazism and "Holocaust deniers” but that show has got to be nearing the end of its West End run given that Sir Cardboard has now cleansed his party of anything remotely resembling a belief system and has shown himself capable therefore of managing UK plc.

Mcclellan does briefly allude to the economic mess facing any party elected in 2024 but that, surely, should be another good reason for Scottish independen­ce unless – and it is not altogether clear – that’s another barb aimed at the Scottish Government.

Please can we have some more serious analysis (such as John Yellowlees’ article of the same day – “Optimistic and pessimisti­c scenarios possible for border trade in the event of independen­ce”) rather than cliché after cliché which is just only slightly more elevated than tabloidese and name calling?



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