The Scotsman

Legal Quines are starting a trend

◆ Online videos make family law issues easily digestible and reach new audiences, writes Kristen Knight


We’re learning as we go, but it’s been fun so far and we are definitely engaging with a wider group of people

We’ve all found ourselves down the social media rabbit hole. A quick visit to see what’s new on your timeline and soon you’re scrolling away. Before you know it, you’ve watched multiple videos about home improvemen­ts, cute cats and air fryers.

These videos appear based on what the platform thinks you want to see, using algorithms. If you‘ engage’ by watching something for more than a few seconds, chances are you’ll see videos by that creator( or on a similar theme) next time you log on.

This social sc rolling is how my colleagues and I came across The Legal Queen. She’s an English solicitor providing short video clips on family law issues, and over Instagram, Facebook, and Tik Tok, she has nearly a million followers.

Many questions she answered were very similar to those we are asked by clients about family law issues. We thought this was an excellent way to engage with potential clients and answer these very familiar questions – so The Legal Quines was born. For those not from North-east Scotland, ‘qui ne’ is doric for girl/ woman/female. We hoped it would translate across Scotland and on the whole, people seem to get it. Through short videos, where someone pops their head in the door and asks a colleague a question, we communicat­e clear messages about family law matters.

Why? The videos are easily digestible and hopefully can reach new audiences, showing people that Balfour+manson understand­s the issues that matter to them at challengin­g times in their lives.

The videos make us ‘real’ and relatable. We’re human beings as well as lawyers, real-life three-dimensiona­l women who someone with a family law issue could imagine talking to.

The short clips are also easily share able; one of the most common ways people are engaging with us is to share videos with their friends.

We monitor levels of engagement to ensure we’re not just shouting into the void. Analytics tell us which videos people are engaging with most, so we can tailor future posts. We can get an idea of the geographic­al location of viewers, whether they are mainly male/female and their age group.

Sometimes the analytics sur

prise us. I regarded Tiktok as a young person’s platform; until I startedusi­ngitforleg­alquines, I hadn’t a clue what it was or how to work it. However, the stats suggest an older audience is engaging with us on Tiktok than Instagram.

It’s not all straightfo­rward. We decided to post four videos a week to have an impact – and creating and editing videos takes time and attention.

And although this is a more personal way of communicat­ing, it has to be accurate. The informatio­n is out there for all to see and any errors will, quite rightly,bepouncedu­pon,affecting any credibilit­y The Legal

Quines have built up. We also need to be careful with terminolog­y. Clients might refer to a former partner as their husband, wife, or ‘ex’, yet exactly the same terminolog­y can annoy other people. There are real sensitivit­ies, which we have to respect, so we try to use neutral terms like ‘spouse’ and ‘my child’s other parent’. We’re learning as we go, but it’s been fun so far and we are definitely engaging with a wider group of people. One of our Quines has beenspotte­dinpublic,sosomeone is taking notice!

Kirsten Knight is a Family Law Partner, Balfour+manson

 ?? ?? The Legal Quines answer your family law questions in bitesize chunks
The Legal Quines answer your family law questions in bitesize chunks
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