The Scotsman

Rising housing costs strangling investment plans

- Emma Newlands

Scots are being strongly encouraged to build up a savings pot when economic conditions improve, after new research has revealed how their financial plans are currently being stymied by the rising cost of living.

Fidelity Internatio­nal has found that 66 per cent of people north of the Border with £1,000 in assets say the rising cost of rent and mortgages is a barrier to their plans when it comes to investing, hindering their long-term financial goals.

It added that the problem is more acute for women, at 68 per cent, compared to 64 per cent of men. The firm added that if Scots saw a reduction in bills and mortgage payments, 40 per cent said they would be able to save more each month.

Additional­ly, the investment and retirement specialist cited data showing that nearly one million borrowers will have to pay an extra £500 a month or more by 2026 due to interest rates heating up, with nearly another half a million households potentiall­y seeing payments climb by £750 a month.

The Bank of England will make its next decision on interest rates on Thursday September 21, with expectatio­ns by some of at least another quarter-point hike after the base rate rose to 5.25 per cent in August.

Emma-lou Montgomery, associate director for personal investing at Fidelity Internatio­nal, commented: “Household budgets are incredibly difficult to manage right now. Both homeowners and renters are seeing their monthly outgoings rocket, as higher interest rates push up the cost of borrowing.

“The rate at which inflation is increasing is starting to ease, and this should eventually reduce household outgoings.”

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