The Scotsman

Bernard Hill

◆ Actor forever identified with the cry of ‘Gizza job’ despite starring in Titanic and Lord of the Rings

- Brian Pendreigh

Bernard Hill, actor. Born: 17 December, 1944 in Manchester. Died: 5 May, 2024 in London, aged 79

No one summed up the despair of the Thatcher years better than Bernard Hill as unemployed labourer Yosser Hughes, crystallis­ing the plight of many of the underprivi­leged and dispossess­ed in just two words – “Gizza job”.

Yosser is a good man driven to the point of madness by the loss of employment as a labourer, wandering the streets, pleading for work, any work at all: “Gizza job… I can do that.”

Hill played him with a gruff, manic quality in Alan Bleasdale’s landmark 1982 tragicomic series Boys from the Blackstuff in 1982. Yosser visits a priest. “I’m desperate, father,” he tells him. The sympatheti­c priest invites him to call him by his first name Dan. “I’m desperate Dan,” says Yosser. But Yosser is by now so far gone that he cannot see the joke in his own comment.

Beyond words, Yosser’s gesture of choice becomes the headbutt, administer­ed to policemen and to walls alike. At one point Yosser tries to kill himself, but he is not even a success at that.

As Yosser, Hughes became an almost totemic symbol of the era, his refrain of “Gizza job” became a cultural catchphras­e of the age.

Hughes went on to major Shakespear­ean roles and appeared in some of the biggest Hollywood blockbuste­rs of all time, playing the ship’s captain Edward Smith in Titanic, alongside Leonardo Dicaprio, and King Theoden in The Lord of the Rings saga.

Ironically perhaps producers and directors were lining up to give Hill jobs after Yosser, but it irked him that in the eyes of the British public and indeed interviewe­rs he remained forever Yosser Hughes. He even considered giving up acting for a while because he got so bored with talking about Yosser.

I met him once at the Edinburgh Film Festival and recall he was not quite as taciturn as Yosser, but nor was he the chattiest of interviewe­es.

Although Boys from the Blackstuff was firmly set in Liverpool, Hughes was born and grew up along the road in Manchester in 1944. His family was Irish on both sides and so poor that he had to share a bed with his parents during his early childhood.

His father served in the Royal Navy during the Second World War and subsequent­ly worked as a miner, an industry that would later be virtually closed down by Margaret Thatcher. His mother worked in the kitchens at a local factory.

Hughes went to a Roman Catholic grammar school, began acting in amateur production­s and after initially studying to become a quantity surveyor changed direction and attended De La Salle College in Manchester to train as a teacher.

It was at this time that he met Mike Leigh, who ran drama courses and would later make his mark in British television and cinema as a writer and director. Leigh encouraged him to think about acting as a career.

So after false starts in quantity surveying and teaching Hughes studied theatre at Manchester Polytechni­c and made his screen debut as a working man with few prospects in Mike Leigh’s 1973 television drama Hard Labour.

Hard Labour was set in Salford in Greater Manchester, but Hill’s associatio­n with Liverpool was establishe­d with a twoyear stint at the city’s Everyman Theatre, where he played John Lennon in Willy Russell’s John, Paul, George, Ringo… and Bert. It hardly gets more Liverpool than the Beatles.

The play took him to the London West End, leading to a string of small roles on television, in such varied shows as Crown Court and I, Claudius, before he appeared in Bleasdale’s television drama The Black Stuff, which followed the adventures of a group of tarmac workers.

It was broadcast in 1980, the year after Thatcher’s election, though it was written before the election, and it was intended a stand-alone drama.

The subsequent series Boys from the Black Stuff picked up on the same characters a couple of years later in a Britain where it was proving increasing­ly difficult to find work, with unemployme­nt rising to three million. Yosser’s story and Hill’s characteri­sation were far and away the most memorable elements.

He played the Polish trade union leader Lech Walesa in Tom Stoppard’s Squaring the Circle, the coroner in Peter Greenaway’s playful murder mystery Drowning by Numbers and the left-behind husband in Willy Russell’s comedy Shirley Valentine, with Pauline Collins and Tom Conti.

But an early attempt to conquer Hollywood came adrift when he was sacked from the Madonna movie Shanghai Surprise after clashing with her co-star and new husband Sean Penn.

Like the Titanic, Shanghai Surprise sank without trace, but Hill’s turn as the captain in the film Titanic did much to raise his profile in the United States when it became the highest grossing film of all time.

As well as playing the King of Rohan in the second and third Lord of the Rings movies, The Two Towers and The Return of the King, Hughes appeared with Clint Eastwood in True Crime, playing the warden of San Quentin Prison, with Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson in the Mummy movie The Scorpion King and with Tom Cruise in the Second World War drama Valkyrie, in which he played a German general.

In recent years, back on the small screen in Britain, he was widely acclaimed as the blind Labour politician David Blunkett in A Very Social Secretary, with Robert Lindsay as Tony Blair, he was the Duke of Norfolk in the television adaptation of Hilary Mantel’s Wolf Hall and he plays Martin Freeman’s father in the current series of the BBC crime drama The Responder, which once more took Hill back to Liverpool to film.

Hill is survived by a daughter and by a son from two different relationsh­ips.

 ?? ?? Bernard Hill at 2004’s Empire Film Awards – he won Scene of the Year for Lord of the Rings
Bernard Hill at 2004’s Empire Film Awards – he won Scene of the Year for Lord of the Rings

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