The Scottish Farmer

Our food security must be prioritise­d


A SUMMIT of UK farming unions has urged government­s to back farming and food production.

The call comes against a backdrop of increasing unease across industry that environmen­tal targets are being prioritise­d over food security and agricultur­al viability.

A joint statement issued by NFU Scotland, Ulster Farmers’ Union, NFU and NFU Cymru, alongside the Irish Farmers’ Associatio­n, stressed UK farming unions said: “To safeguard our nation’s food security we need to build profitabil­ity and resilience into our farm businesses.

“This requires a closer partnershi­p between farmers and politician­s, so we can continue to produce the highqualit­y food that consumers expect, while delivering for the environmen­t and economy.

“Across the UK, there must be a balanced approach at a policy level, not just to look at the environmen­tal side of agricultur­e, but at the economic and social consequenc­es of agricultur­al production. Farmers cannot be sacrificed for other societal objectives. They are essential to a healthy world and a healthy population.”

Commenting specifical­ly on the current situation regarding agricultur­al policy in Wales, which has seen a number of high-profile protests by farmers over environmen­tal demands, the unions said: “Proposals

around a new farming scheme are presently being consulted on within Wales, which is causing huge concern and unrest among Welsh famers.

“Many farmers fear that the proposals, as they stand, are unworkable and unless a different approach is taken,

these plans will severely impact the ambitions of the sector and its viability.”

On demands for politician­s ahead of a general election, the organisati­ons added: “Investing in our farming and growing sector is essential for productivi­ty, job creation, and economic and

environmen­tal delivery.

“This year we will see where all UK parties stand on support for local agricultur­e. Food security must be a top priority for any government, and we need unwavering commitment for local farming and food production from all UK parties.”

 ?? ?? NFU Cymru deputy president Abi Reader, NFU president Tom Bradshaw, UFU president David Brown and NFU Scotland president Martin Kennedy have issued the joint call to government­s
NFU Cymru deputy president Abi Reader, NFU president Tom Bradshaw, UFU president David Brown and NFU Scotland president Martin Kennedy have issued the joint call to government­s

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