The Scottish Farmer

Eagle aid delay

- By John Sleigh Editor

HUNDREDS of west coast farmers and crofters are yet to receive contracts for this year’s Sea Eagle Management Scheme (SEMS).

The scheme, which supports sheep producers affected by whitetaile­d sea eagles on their land, is typically confirmed with applicants at the start of each year.

However, no 2024 contracts have been issued for either existing participan­ts or new applicants. Some flocks in the area have already started lambing with many thousands of sheep due to give birth in the coming weeks.

The scheme supports farmers and crofters to help mitigate the impacts of eagle predation on their flock with up to £1500 available for standard measures. There are enhanced options stretching payments to a combined maximum of £5000.

These higher payments are available to offset some of the extra costs of hiring extra shepherds who help protect the flocks from eagle attacks, but the lack of contracts is making it ‘impossible to plan’, according to Argyll hill farmer David Colthart.

Mr Colthart, chair of Argyll and Lochaber Sea Eagle Stakeholde­r Group said: “It’s absolutely unacceptab­le that lambing is now upon us and we still have no contracts for this year’s Sea Eagle Management Scheme issued to farmers and crofters by NatureScot. That’s 185 impacted flocks primarily up and down the west coast being hit. Plus there are also 21 approved applicatio­ns that are also in limbo.

“At the last stakeholde­r group meeting in March in Oban, we pressed NatureScot on why management contracts had not been issued and we were told that the scheme work was done and the money for this year had been allocated by NatureScot in February, but Scottish Government officials in Edinburgh have so far refused to allow contracts to be issued.

“How can they expect farmers and crofters that carry out measures such as enhanced shepherdin­g to find contract shepherds in the

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