The Scottish Farmer

Late Fordyce Maxwell book raises money for prostate cancer charity

- By Kelly Henaughen News and Online Editor

A BOOK of newspaper columns by the late farming journalist Fordyce Maxwell has raised more than £4,500 for a cancer charity.

Fordyce, who died in

2022 aged 77, was described as ‘a wonderful writer’ and ‘a philosophe­r’ by former editor Magnus Linklater.

In When Trees Were Green, Fordyce jokingly compares his own cricketing career to that of Don Bradman, recounting the time a ‘perfect cut’ ended up through the kitchen window and into a pan of boiling soup being prepared by his mother; and also when he opened a public speaking engagement for Jack Charlton, pondering whether the majority of the audience were there to see the World Cup winner or to see him – a Kelso Cup winner.

He also writes movingly about his daughter Jacqueline’s first day at university and, poignantly, about the Dunblane massacre, suggesting that all bereaved parents can do is ‘keep on keeping on’ – one of the few things he could write about with certainty aŠer his elder daughter, Susie, was murdered in 1982.

Fordyce’s son Tom, who edited the book, said: “One of my dad’s many giŠs was his ability to write about any subject, from tragedy to politics to war, to simple things like a school trip or a local football match, all with a beautiful, understate­d prose. He never needed to sensationa­lise.

“He would leave his many loyal readers laughing one minute and crying the next. But he was every bit as wonderful – if not more so – as a father and a husband, and we still can’t quite believe he’s no longer with us. But with this book, we will still hear his voice, laugh with him and cry with him, and he’d been so proud that. Even aŠer he’s gone, his many wise words will still be helping people to get through life.”

Tom said his father’s experience with prostate cancer will sound far all too familiar and he hoped that it would serve as a warning to others.

He said: “My dad was very fit for his age and showed none of the typical signs of early prostate cancer. He would easily put people 20 years younger to shame and even went for an 11mile hike in the Cheviots just a week before he was admitted to hospital just before Christmas in 2019, unable to walk due to previously undetected spinal tumours.

“He had gone to the doctor several times over the previous 18 months with back and shoulder pain, only to be sent away for physio rather than a scan. But if a pain can’t be explained, it could be something serious.

“We’ll never know for sure, but I think there’s a good chance he could have been with us for a few more years if his cancer had been caught sooner. His youngest grandchild, Thomas, had only just turned one when my dad died, so those few years could have been the di™erence between him knowing and not knowing his grandad, who was one of the kindest, most a™able and bravest people you could ever hope to meet.”

AŠer beginning his second stint as The Scotsman’s Farming Editor in 1989, aŠer 12 years on the family farm, Fordyce

nd was given his chance to shine with a weekly column in the news pages by then editor Magnus Linklater.

During his years as a freelance, he wrote regularly for, among others, The Herald, The Journal, and Sunday Post. He was awarded an MBE for services to journalism in 1995.

Roddy Forsyth, the former BBC Five Live Scottish football correspond­ent and a big fan of Fordyce’s, said: “To open a Fordyce Maxwell column is like sitting down with an old friend over a co™ee or glass of wine.

“You don’t know where the conversati­on will lead but it is guaranteed to be lively, droll and thoughtpro­voking – and invariably leaves you looking forward to your next encounter.”

Head of events and community fundraisin­g at Prostate Cancer UK,

Seren Evans, said: “We’re so grateful for the support of Tom and the Maxwell family in producing this collection of Fordyce’s wonderful work and raising vital funds for Prostate Cancer UK.

Ms Evans added: “Money raised will go towards funding groundbrea­king research towards a screening programme, so that we can catch prostate cancer early and save lives.”

“Fordyce’s story shows why it is so important for men to know about their risk of prostate cancer and what they can do about it.

“So remember, men are at higher risk if they are over 50, black, or have a father or brother who has had prostate cancer. Anyone with concerns can search ‘check my risk’ and take our 30-second online risk checker.”

£ When Trees Were Green – The Scotsman Articles of Fordyce Maxwell is priced £15 and is available from www.fordycemax­

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 ?? ?? Fordyce Maxwell died in 2022 at the age of 77
Fordyce Maxwell died in 2022 at the age of 77

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