The Scottish Mail on Sunday

I cried. I was a gibbering wreck. That’s when I knew it was all over

Kelly Sotherton, Olympic and world championsh­ip at having to end her career on the eve of an amazing

- By Rob Draper

KELLY SOTHERTON knew it was all over as she lay flat on her back on the treatment table in the women’s changing rooms of the municipal stadium of Desenzano, a small town by Lake Garda in Italy.

It was not how a distinguis­hed career was meant to end. But, like boxers who go on for one fight too many, athletes invariably push their bodies to breaking point in the quest for one last Olympics.

Sotherton, brought up by her single mother on the Isle of Wight, called a wimp by her coach when she won an Olympic heptathlon bronze medal and who has engaged followers of the sport over the last eight years as much for her refusal to toe the diplomatic line as for her considerab­le athletic ability, had broken down in the 200metres, the fourth of her seven events at the IAAF Combined Events Challenge earlier this month.

‘I knew then that it was over,’ said Sotherton. ‘We were down at the bottom of the stadium, in the medical room. It was dark, cold and damp. My soft tissue therapist, Paula Clayton, and my coach, Aston Moore, were there. People were coming in and out, but they had seen what had happened; they all knew the story.’

What had happened was that, four years since her last competitiv­e heptathlon and after six months of hard training, 35-year-old Sotherton had discovered that her dream of competing at the London Games was over. In truth, the prolapsed disc in her back had been causing her immense pain all day. But it was only when she attempted to accelerate and hit top gear, 90 metres into the race and while she was leading, that she collapsed.

‘As soon as it went I knew that was it,’ she said. ‘I could hardly walk and could hardly move. At that moment I said: “It’s over.” I cried and I think it was hard for Paula and Aston to see because I was a gibbering wreck. I can laugh now. But I was red-faced and it was quite embarrassi­ng leaving the track, because I don’t want people to see me like that.’

EVEN then she admits that she clung to a slender and illogical hope that the injury was not as bad as she knew it was. ‘I went from hitting rock-bottom to thinking, “Maybe there is a way out. Maybe it isn’t as bad as it seems”. But when I got home to Birmingham and I was on the train to see the surgeon I thought, “Hmm, maybe it really is”.’

The surgeon in question was John Sutcliffe, a Harley Street spinal specialist. Sotherton has become something of an expert in that field, too, having fractured her spine in 2005 and suffering from two earlier prolapsed discs that had initially caused her to quit the heptathlon in 2010, although she continued competing over 400m. This time, though, there would be no coming back from the diagnosis: Sotherton required an operation. I had already prepared myself for what he would say and that rubberstam­ped it,’ she said. ‘After that it was, “OK, it’s a relief now”. I knew that wasn’t going to happen.’

So a comeback that always seemed unlikely is now officially over. At her best, Sotherton had the ability to steal the limelight from the field in her challenge for medals. She will retire with plenty: Commonweal­th gold, Olympic bronze, world bronze, world indoor silver and two European indoor silvers.

During her peak years, from 2004-2008, she had to contend with Carolina Kluft, the Swede who most consider the greatest heptathlet­e of all time. Invariably, Sotherton would lose out to her.

So she departs with some regrets, most notably the failure to win an Olympic medal in 2008, when, with Kluft out, a silver medal at least was hers for the taking. But she has no regrets about her quest to register a final mark on the sport at a home Olympics in London. ‘My body failed me,’ she said. ‘Not my athletic performanc­e.’

The operation, which took place just over a week ago, involved cutting out the offending piece of disc that was causing the pain. Afterwards, Sotherton says the surgeon told her he had performed between 2-3,000 operations and her disc was the worst he had seen. Sotherton takes a macabre pride in that assessment.

‘I like the fact that I had the worst disc, because people say, “Oh, she’s pulled up because she’s not having a good day”,’ she said. ‘Everyone who is an athlete has always pulled up once or twice in training because it’s hard or it hurts. So I was thinking, “Maybe I am just making this up, because the mind is just playing tricks on me, maybe I don’t want to do this”.

‘So I’m quite pleased that the surgeon said that and that the surgery, which should take half-anhour, took an hour because he had to really cut it out, and when he pulled it out there was a lot of it!’

Although Sutcliffe said he could have her back running in six weeks, Sotherton’s dream is over. She does not have that time. The British team will be picked by then and her absence from the heptathlon over the past four years means she has not recorded the required qualifying standard.

‘I thanked him for being optimistic but there’s no chance. You have to know when to stop,’ she said.

She fears that, rather than her athletic performanc­e, she will be remembered for putting her foot in it, but sometimes her aim was devastatin­gly accurate.

She was scornful of the fact that Lyudmyla Blonska, her Ukrainian opponent, had been readmitted to the sport after failing a test for steroids and went on to win silver at the 2007 world championsh­ips. Sotherton, who won bronze behind her, publicly lambasted her, incredibly earning the disapprova­l of some in the sport who felt it was poor timing to raise the issue.

But privately she had always believed the Ukrainian was still on drugs and Sotherton was vindicated in 2008 when Blonska failed a drugs test and was banned for life after finishing second at the Beijing Olympics.

‘You always have suspicions about people and sometimes they’re unjustifie­d — it’s just because someone is better than you,’ said Sotherton. ‘But if someone has taken drugs and done a certain time or distance, and then when they come off the drugs they score higher and run faster, like Blonska did, then you have to think, “You’re still taking something”.

‘As soon as I saw her jump 1.92m in the high jump at the 2007 world championsh­ips — and technicall­y it was such a bad way of jumping — I thought, “You’re doing something, I know you are”.

‘This is why I’m quite passionate about people who, in any sport, have been caught and had a ban. People talk about second chances, but if the dopers hadn’t been caught, they’d still be doing it. My view is very black and white on this. I don’t care if offenders are my friends, I don’t care if they’re lovely people. Outsiders

don’t understand that drug-taking isn’t just taking a tablet or injecting yourself. It’s more planned than training. You have to have a doctor, you have to have a blood test, you have to have a good pharmacy. It’s a massive programme. My event had a drug cheat in it. That’s why I took a stand.’

ALREADY, Sotherton’s mind is turning to life after athletics. There is her boyfriend, Nathan Douglas, the long jumper, to support and she would like to have children at some stage, although not immediatel­y. First there is netball to play, ski-ing holidays to be taken and a trip to Las Vegas with her girlfriend­s. And come next year, expect to see her in the London Marathon. ‘I need a challenge,’ she said. ‘Maybe I could be a female James Cracknell. You don’t see many women doing those challenges, do you?’

Before all that, there will be the London Olympics, which Sotherton says she will now enjoy. Of course, the spotlight in her event is on Jessica Ennis. When her young rival was growing up in the sport, Sotherton nicknamed her ‘the tadpole’ — she always said it was meant affectiona­tely — but the younger woman surpassed S otherton’s achievemen­ts. At the end of her career, she can now reflect honestly on that passing of the mantle to Ennis.

‘Of course, you’re always envious of someone in your own event and from your own country doing really well. If Jess was American or French, it wouldn’t be so much of a bother but she’s British and she was taking my fans,’ said Sotherton, laughing at the absurdity of her words.

‘Now I’m happy that she’s British and I wouldn’t really have meant that a couple of years ago. I’m glad she’s doing it. I can watch the event now and get excited. I don’t think it’s as clear-cut as people think. I think there are four people in the mix for the gold medal. I’m looking forward to it.’

As for her own career, she recalls the odd performanc­es that satisfied her but, by her own reckoning, there were not enough. ‘The things that stick out are the gaffes I’ve made,’ she said, relating a number of the media storms that have enveloped her career.

Sotherton may call them gaffes. Others just called it plain speaking. But for that, and her tenacity on the track, she will surely be missed.

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 ??  ?? Best OF FOes: Kelly Sotherton’s career was marked by her rivalry with Sweden’s Carolina Kluft (in yellow vest) and fellow Briton Jessica Ennis
Best OF FOes: Kelly Sotherton’s career was marked by her rivalry with Sweden’s Carolina Kluft (in yellow vest) and fellow Briton Jessica Ennis

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