The Scottish Mail on Sunday

SNP on wrong lines


AT long last, Edinburgh’s tram system, after years of controvers­y, delays and overspend, is up and running. That is indeed some cause for celebratio­n.

Trams last ran through the capital’s streets in 1956. Gone are the clattering and rickety vehicles of the past, replaced by the sleek silence of the modern carriages. Yet if the reaction of the first day’s passengers is anything to go by, it is only a matter of time before these new trams win a place in the hearts of travellers.

Nonetheles­s, it will be a long time before the well documented problems that have bedevilled this project are forgotten.

In particular, the manner in which the budget rose and rose – to a final total of £776 million – is a cautionary example of the profligacy that seems to beset all large-scale public sector projects.

It certainly puts into perspectiv­e Alex Salmond’s claim last week that he could set up the entire administra­tive infrastruc­ture of an independen­t Scotland for just £250 million – a fraction of the cost of laying a few miles of tram line.

Even the First Minister’s most enthusiast­ic supporters must be afraid his plans are in danger of going off the rails.

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