The Scottish Mail on Sunday

Hanif Kureishi: How I was conned out of £120k I’d saved for my sons ... by a chubby, lovestruck James Bond wannabe

- By Elizabeth Sanderson

HANIF KUREISHI was on his way to meet a friend for lunch when the call came.

It was one of the partners from the author’s accountanc­y firm. ‘He said, “Your accountant, Adam Woricker, has been sacked. Your money’s gone, you’d better call your solicitor.” I was staggered.’

The 59-year-old, best known for his novel The Buddha Of Suburbia and the screenplay for hit film My Beautiful Laundrette, is a master storytelle­r but even he could not have predicted the drama that has unfolded since that fateful call in July 2012.

Kureishi had invested £120,000 in a property scheme at the suggestion of Woricker, a partner with Fisher Phillips, a reputable North London accountanc­y firm. Woricker seemed conscienti­ous, hard working and utterly dependable.

In reality, he was a conman. A tubby 41-year-old who was obsessed with James Bond, he stole £2.4million from clients, family and friends – partly to impress his Albanian wife whom he had married in secret.

Fisher Phillips denied any knowledge of Woricker’s actions, meaning

‘He risked everything – it was so idiotic’

the money – which Kureishi had set aside for his three sons’ education – had gone.

Last Wednesday, Woricker pleaded guilty to 34 theft and fraud offences at Chelmsford Crown Court and was jailed for eight years.

Recalling his first meeting with Woricker in January 2011 at his home in Shepherd’s Bush, West London, Kureishi says: ‘He was an East End boy, very clever, glasses, small, sweet, charming, very bright.

‘Everybody said he was really good at his job, knew the law, knew accountanc­y.

‘Fisher Phillips was a respected firm that had been around for years so there was no reason why you would have any suspicions.

‘Having an accountant is like having a doctor or a solicitor. You expect them to be decent people – not complete lunatics who are going to steal all your money.’

So when, in September that year, Woricker told him about an investment opportunit­y, Kureishi had no reason to doubt him. It was a shortterm investment, over 120 days, and promised a return of 15 per cent.

The author invested £50,000 and after receiving a payment of £7,500 on that initial deposit, he put in a further £70,000.

He says: ‘I don’t have any interest in money or know anything about it. It’s like putting a car in a garage. You expect, when you pick it up, it will work and you don’t have to know all the details.’

But there was no property deal, only a woman and spiralling debts.

Unbeknown to his family, Woricker had married Florentina Blacku in 2009. Bizarrely, the court heard the union was not consummate­d. Meanwhile, during their marriage, Florentina went back to Albania three times, each time coming back pregnant by her ex-boyfriend. Yet Woricker remained besotted. According to former schoolfrie­nds, he was teetotal with a modest lifestyle, living in his grandmothe­r’s old house in the grounds of his parents’ home in Woodham Ferrers, Essex. But in court it emerged he had spent thousands of pounds on Florentina, taking her on shopping sprees and splurging on luxury hotels.

‘He seemed the sort of guy who was very sexually inexperien­ced,’ says Kureishi. ‘He was a little fat, rather unattracti­ve. Presumably he’d met this young woman and never had much fun before.

‘He liked Ian Fleming and had lots of James Bond memorabili­a, which is not a good sign in a grown man. Particular­ly a small chubby accountant who fancied himself as some sort of criminal.’ But when, in May 2012, Kureishi discovered his account had been emptied, it didn’t occur to him to suspect Woricker.

‘I was at the Halifax and tried to transfer some money. They said I hadn’t got any. I said, “Where’s it gone? I was only in here yesterday putting some money in,” and they replied, “Oh no, you’ve taken it all out. You went to this branch and you signed here, we had your driving licence and you’ve taken all the money out.”

‘I knew the money had been transferre­d so I went into the Nationwide next door, where I’ve never had an account, and asked if they had an account in the name of Hanif Kureishi. They said yes. I said, “Well, I’m Hanif Kureishi, can I have the details?” And they said, “We’re not sure you’re him, he was in here yesterday.” I gave them my ID and they said, “Well, he had ID.”

‘The first person I rang was my accountant and he said, “how terrible”. I asked him to come down and he replied he would if he could but he couldn’t make it.

‘I remember my ex-girlfriend saying the only person with access to my driving licence was my accountant. Even then I didn’t think it was him. I thought maybe someone broke into my house and copied it.’ With the fraud – if not the culprit – exposed, the money was back in his Halifax account the next day.

But then two months later, Woricker was fired from Fisher Phillips, and Kureishi discovered he’d lost £120,000 in investment­s. Yet Woricker insisted to Kureishi and his tens of other victims that he was going to get their money back. He

‘Getting the money back was his only hope’

says: ‘He claimed it hadn’t been stolen but misplaced.

‘As a writer, I was fascinated by the crime – that Graham Greene thing. Indeed, Greene was swindled by his accountant.

‘And I was fascinated by him. He was such a bizarre character. He was bettering himself.

‘He’d come from a semi-rural proletaria­n background in Essex. He was working with writers, had a huge 4x4 car, a big income. So the idea that he would make a bit more by risking everything was crazy. It

You expect an accountant to be a decent person not a lunatic who steals all your money

was so destructiv­e, so idiotic. The truth is, I think he was bipolar. He got really, really manic, he wasn’t sleeping, he was running around, moving money here there and everywhere. It was a kind of mania. When I met him, he was turning bad.’

Woricker was arrested and charged in March 2013. Even then, Kureishi continued to see him. ‘He was very smart. By the end I wanted to kill him. One day, he suddenly looked at me and said, “You can’t kill me. People have been coming to the house trying to kill me in the last few days and the police have offered me protection.”

‘By then I think he’d got involved with other criminals and there were quite heavy people chasing him. I do believe he was working really hard to get the money back – that was his only hope, if he could go to the judge and say I’ve got it all back.’

And his victims’ only hope too. With Fisher Phillips denying all responsibi­lity, their only option was to take legal action.

Kureishi says: ‘All your money’s gone, then you’re speaking to solicitors who are charging £500 an hour, who all say you’re going to have to sue the accountant­s and by the end you’re going to have to get a barrister and it’s going to cost you £25,000. You fall into a pit of horror thinking, “Not only have I lost £100,000, I’m going to have to spend £50,000 to get this back and I may not win.”’

The author eventually reached a settlement with the firm a few months ago. He says: ‘There are people far worse off than me who have lost everything.

‘The accountant­s behaved very badly. Adam was a criminal and that’s that. You can’t expect him to be a nice fella. They were not.’

Fisher Phillips partner Robert Ward said: ‘Adam Woricker was not acting on behalf of Fisher Phillips but in a personal capacity.

‘He acted without our knowledge. We have every sympathy for those who, like ourselves, were affected by the thefts and frauds.’

 ??  ?? HIGH DRAMA: Kureishi made his name with 1980s movie My Beautiful Laundrette, starring Daniel Day-Lewis and Gordon Warnecke. But criminal accountant Woricker was aiming for the more glamorous lifestyle seen in James Bond films, right TRUSTING: Hanif Kureishi, who was swindled out of thousands by Woricker
HIGH DRAMA: Kureishi made his name with 1980s movie My Beautiful Laundrette, starring Daniel Day-Lewis and Gordon Warnecke. But criminal accountant Woricker was aiming for the more glamorous lifestyle seen in James Bond films, right TRUSTING: Hanif Kureishi, who was swindled out of thousands by Woricker
 ??  ?? JAILED: Adam Woricker at Chelmsford Crown Court last week
JAILED: Adam Woricker at Chelmsford Crown Court last week

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