The Scottish Mail on Sunday

Bishop of Dibley

The ultimate proof that women have made it to the top of the Church – Dawn French’s TV vicar is consecrate­d as the...

- By Chris Hastings

SHE is surely Britain’s bestknown clergywoma­n and now – if she has her way – she is set to become one of the first female bishops in the Church of England. Even if she is fictional.

Geraldine Granger, better known as the Vicar of Dibley, is to return to TV screens for a one-off episode of the hit comedy inspired by the Church’s historic decision to allow women bishops.

Dawn French has dusted down her dog collar and has spent the past few days filming a ‘Bishop of Dibley’ BBC special in Central London locations, including the Inner Temple. In the show, to be broadcast as part of Comic Relief’s Red Nose Day on March 13, Granger faces competitio­n for the bishop’s job – with some of Britain’s biggest female comedy stars cast as her rivals.

A source close to the production said: ‘Geraldine’s character assumes she is a shoo-in to become the Bishop of Dibley but the joke is that there are some other very unexpected names in the frame. Some big names have been cast as the rivals but to name them would give away the joke.’

French’s decision to return to the role comes just weeks after the Church England announced that the Reverend Libby Lane will take over as suffragan Bishop of Stockport, becoming the Church of England’s first woman bishop after decades of debate.

The Vicar of Dibley originally launched in 1994 following the General Synod’s decision to allow the ordination of women priests. Show creators Richard Curtis and Paul Mayhew-Archer consulted the Rev Joy Carroll, one of Britain’s first female vicars to ensure their scripts were true to life.

The sitcom has addressed the issue of female bishops before, including in a 2013 Comic Relief sketch that revolved around a General Synod vote on lifting the ban. And as long ago as 2008, French hinted that Geraldine could return as a bishop. ‘All I am saying is that Richard has got his eye on the ball,’ she said. ‘There are conversati­ons, obviously, in the Anglican Church about female bishops – so watch this space!’

The new one-off special is being written by Curtis who co-founded Comic Relief with Lenny Henry, French’s ex-husband.

A BBC spokesman said: ‘I can confirm there’s going to be a Dibley sketch for Red Nose Day on Friday, March 13, but I can’t confirm anything further or provide any more detail at this stage.’

A call to Richard Curtis’s home last night was answered by his wife Emma Freud, who has worked as a script editor on The Vicar Of Dibley, but she declined to comment.

A spokesman for Comic Relief also declined comment.

 ??  ?? MITRE MAID: Dawn dons a joke bishop’s hat in a 2013 Comic Relief sketch and, right, how she might look as a bishop
MITRE MAID: Dawn dons a joke bishop’s hat in a 2013 Comic Relief sketch and, right, how she might look as a bishop

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