The Scottish Mail on Sunday

Mrs Google’s DNA test for her unborn girl

- By Stephen Adams

THE wife of Google tycoon Sergey Brin had their unborn daughter DNA tested to discover the girl’s risk of developing breast cancer, Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s later in life.

Anne Wojcicki, founder of DNA screening service 23andMe, also had the couple’s son gene-tested in the first few months of his life to obtain a ‘road map’ of future risks to his health, and advocates British parents using her company to do the same for their own children. As a result of the tests, Ms Wojcicki discovered that her son is lactose-intolerant.

She believes parents should know the genetic flaws of their offspring so they can better care for them, arguing: ‘Forewarned is forearmed.’ She also predicts that within a decade, all babies born in the UK and US will have a DNA test at birth.

But watchdogs have fiercely criticised such ‘fishing expedition­s’. ‘You are imposing this informatio­n on the child at a time when they have no say about whether they would ever want it,’ says Oxford University genetics professor Dagan Wells.

‘And once you have the test done, you’ve got it. You can’t undo it – the informatio­n is out there.’

Ms Wojcicki revealed that with her daughter, now three, she sent her amniotic fluid – the liquid that protects the unborn baby inside the womb – to be checked. Amniotic fluid tests are often carried out on mothers over 35 to determine the risk of their unborn child having Down’s syndrome.

‘I couldn’t wait,’ Ms Wojcicki says. ‘If you have a road map, if you know what certain risks are [as a parent], you can alter behaviour accordingl­y.’

She declined to say if either of her children carry genes that put them at high risk of any particular hereditary disease.

For £125, 23andMe will analyse DNA in saliva samples for genes linked to dozens of inherited conditions, including cystic fibrosis, sickle cell anaemia, breast cancer, Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s.

Among the genes it looks for are BRCA1 and BRCA2, which greatly increase the chance of breast and ovarian cancer. In 2013, actress Angelina Jolie had a double mastectomy after finding out she had the BRCA1 gene.

Yet Dr Helen Wallace, of thinktank GeneWatch UK, warns: ‘The link between genes and many diseases are poorly understood. These tests should not be on the market at all, let alone offered for use on children.’

Ms Wojcicki flew to Britain last month to launch the testing service here. Giving children the DNA test is entirely legal in the UK – but official guidelines advise against it unless there is a pressing medical reason.

In 2013, 23andMe was barred from giving health advice to American customers after the US regulator, the Food and Drug Administra­tion (FDA), cited concerns over the accuracy of the health interpreta­tions.

While European laws have deemed testing kits safe, the EU has yet to legislate on the offering of such services. ‘They [23andMe] have pressed ahead in Europe despite being banned in America,’ says Dr Wallace. ‘In effect, they are exploiting a loophole.’

Despite the FDA action, the company has struck a deal with drugs giant Pfizer to share its database of genetic informatio­n to be used for research. Customers can consent for the results of their children’s genetic testing to be included in the research.

Dr Wallace argues: ‘A baby wouldn’t be able to consent to this. You don’t know how that informatio­n is going to affect them when they are older, so it’s a huge step to take.’

But Ms Wojcicki stresses: ‘If we are not doing a great job, then you can download your data and delete your account.’

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