The Scottish Mail on Sunday

Christian JP is another victim of liberal elite


I was appalled to read of magistrate Richard Page’s suspension for suggesting that a child would benefit from being adopted by a mother and a father rather than by a gay couple. I wholeheart­edly agree with him.

Your companion piece on the matter by the former Bishop of Rochester, Michael Nazir-Ali, says that the remedial training Mr Page must now undergo smacks of the ‘re-education’ so beloved of totalitari­an Marxist states.

There is liberty only for a liberal elite with politicall­y correct views, and not for the rest of us. And this liberty does not serve the common good. What will this once-revered country of ours stoop to next?

Judith MacBeth, Emmer Green, Reading

Richard Page expressed an opinion based upon his experience, expertise and his obligation, as defined by law, to put the best interests of the child first.

I feel that a conduct hearing, followed by a reprimand and a requiremen­t for ‘re-education’, is a severe admonition and one that could cause Mr Page to lose faith in the system he has served for 15 years.

I suspect that his Christiani­ty had little to do with Mr Page’s views; rather, sound common sense, based on many years of experience. This man, a volunteer of his own time and expertise, has had his credibilit­y cut from beneath him by political correctnes­s, and the wellbeing of the child in question appears to have been ignored. Shame on you, justice system.

David Pinn JP, Wadebridge, Cornwall

It should be remembered that any magistrate or judge, upon appointmen­t, swears on oath to decide the outcome of a case based upon the evidence alone, regardless of her/his personal opinions. Mr Page said, at a case-management meeting, that he found adoption by mixed-sex couples to be ‘natural’, thus implying that adoption by same-sex couples is unnatural.

If this is the case, he introduced his personal opinions to influence the settlement of this case. Given that adoption by same-sex couples has been legal for years, he should have stood down from the case. Keeley-Jasmine Cavendish,


As a practising Christian, I stand four-square behind Richard Page. There can be only one true form of marriage: that between one man and one woman.

Michael Nazir-Ali asks: ‘Why can’t the voice of Christians be heard?’ Why indeed when our Prime Minister boasts about our wonderful free speech? It seems to me that atheists are using anything they can to prevent us having the same rights as they claim for themselves.

David Cameron will pay dearly for this come the General Election. Bronwen Sadler,

Headcorn, Kent

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