The Scottish Mail on Sunday

Chocoholic Kate: It’d be sweet if I had a girl


THE Duchess of Cambridge has told friends she is convinced she is having a girl – because she can’t stop scoffing sweet treats.

According to an old wives’ tale, if a pregnant woman has cravings for chocolate and biscuits, it is a sure sign that she is carrying a daughter. Now Kate, 33, has joked to pals that if there is any truth in the saying, she is sure to give birth next month to a sister for Prince George.

The Duchess, who again suffered acute morning sickness at the start of the pregnancy, has developed a particular penchant for chocolate biscuit cakes and sticky fruit loaves baked near her Norfolk home, Amner Hall.

‘Prince William has always had a sweet tooth, but Kate has really had sweet cravings during this pregnancy,’ says a source. ‘She could barely keep anything down in the first months of her pregnancy but recently she just cannot get enough of naughty treats.’

William, 32, and his wife have both been spotted popping into the Humble Pie bakery in trendy Burnham Market, a 40-minute drive from Amner Hall, to buy goodies, according to locals.

The £7.25 Wicked Chocolate Biscuit Cake that Kate adores is baked by a woman called Diane. Kate also stocked up on the £5.95 sticky fruit loaf during a recent shopping trip. The cake is also a favourite of William’s, who specially requested a version of it be made for the couple’s wedding.

‘Kate has popped into the store on her own and with William,’ reports a local. ‘She loves the cakes and says they are delicious.’ Last week we reported that the Duchess had bought a stash of posh Easter eggs at the trendy Conran shop in London, while William was given a chocolate egg on the way back from a memorial service for jockey Richard Meade.

Kate has also developed a fondness of home baking, I gather. ‘She’s has become a domestic goddess,’ adds my source. ‘She loves baking with George.’

No wonder William has been telling chums he’s piling on the pounds because there are always treats at Amner Hall and at their London residence, Kensington Palace.

 ??  ?? CRAVINGS: the Duchess, and william with his easter egg
CRAVINGS: the Duchess, and william with his easter egg

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