The Scottish Mail on Sunday

A political broadcast by the cannabis party. Will it be shown on High TV?

Fury as drugs activists get free airtime for election

- By Kirsten Johnson and Kate Foster

PRO-DRUGS campaigner­s in Scotland are to be given a primetime slot on television to call for the legalisati­on of cannabis.

A radical new political party has been set up with the sole purpose of making drugs laws more lenient.

Funded by an internet millionair­e, CISTA – short for Cannabis Is Safer Than Alcohol – is fielding candidates across the country in the General Election. It will be able to exploit electoral rules to air its controvers­ial ideas, which include giving cannabis to sick children.

Broadcasti­ng regulator Ofcom confirmed last night that CISTA will be allowed to promote its message with a party election broadcast in Scotland if it contests at least a sixth of constituen­cies (ten).

CISTA is currently fielding six candidates north of the Border – including an SNP defector who says she is fed up ‘having to use drug dealers’ and the founders of the Glasgow and Edinburgh Cannabis Social Clubs.

But the party expects it will have ten candidates by the start of next month, making it automatica­lly eligible for a three-minute broadcast on STV and BBC Scotland. It will have to pay production costs, but the film will be aired free.

Last night, anti-drugs charities called for CISTA’s broadcast to be banned. Christine Duncan, chief executive of Scottish Families Affected by Alcohol and Drugs, said ‘As more and more research is released on the long-term impact of cannabis, it is very troubling to find this group being offered airtime.’

CISTA founder Paul Birch, who made his fortune when he sold the social networking website Bebo he had created with his brother Michael, is calling for a Royal Commission to reform UK drug laws.

The party is also pushing the economic argument for legalisati­on, claiming it could net the Government £900 million a year.

A self-confessed cannabis ‘consumer’, Mr Birch – who is standing in London’s Hackney South and Shoreditch – is understood to have invested around £100,000 of his own cash in the project.

He said: ‘It’s really hard to die from cannabis. It’s not true that it’s a dangerous substance. It’s very safe compared to alcohol or paracetamo­l.

‘Feathers need to be ruffled. Drugs law has not been amended in 30 years and there are no coherent arguments for maintainin­g the status quo. I don’t think people think of it as criminal.

‘They are aware people are acquiring cannabis from an illegal grey/ black market and it’s not ideal.

‘The fact that cannabis has a recreation­al purpose as well as a medical one means it is not prescribed medicinall­y in the UK. Our party is focused on the recreation­al side and the medical side is a closely associated topic. The worst element is the medical patients who are not getting it because of the war on drugs.’

Mr Birch, who believes recreation­al cannabis should be available to over-18s and medicinal cannabis to all ages, admits CISTA does not expect to win any seats – but seeks to ‘influence’ others.

He is hopeful the party will have a significan­t impact on the Scottish parliament election next year. He said: ‘Based on past performanc­e of single-issue parties, we can’t be expected realistica­lly to win a seat – but we will have the most progressiv­e manifesto of any party, so when other parties come to write their manifestos’ drug policies they will look at what we’ve done.

‘We are really excited about the Scottish parliament election next year because Scotland has a fair degree of autonomy and there are areas of drug policy where Scotland has the right to do something different from the rest of UK – and hopefully we can potentiall­y make some of that happen. We also have a chance of getting someone elected with that system, as there is a history of other parties having achieved this.’

Mr Birch added that CISTA would not be fielding candidates in any constituen­cies with incumbent Green or Lib Dem MPs, because both parties have ‘progressiv­e’ views on drugs.

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